[...] when will you address the long list of issues.
Cyberpunk seems to be a decent game, which suffers from a rushed bad launch.
Possibly a data crunch coders revenge on the company management.
Putting it simply I'll never again pre-order any game, as it encourages developers to deliver an unfinished, unpolished, untested product too early. I did that with Warhammer Age of Reckoning Online and I did that with BF4, just as I did that with Sponge Bob Square pants and Cyberpunk. You know what... the only one that wasn't a disappointment was the Sponge Bob.
I play on an older powerhorse i7-965x PC so there is a multitude of errors in CyberPunk 2077. Which weighs on the overall experience, but most of these said errors and glitches don't seem to be game-breaking more like immersion-breaking hiccups that could and probably will be resolved by CDP in the foreseeable future. Thou I must admit the the AVX compatibility is a big oversight on their part, as there seem to be still a lot of people with older powerhorse cpus who didn't upgrade to new machines simply because their good old powerhorses are still running 99% of games flawlessly. This is the 2nd time I encountered the AVX issue with a game and the other game was Children of Orc
I . So the first one I encountered was the AVX crash after tutorial in a bar, as soon as I left the pub game would crash on me in exactly the same spot.
So far to my understanding, this hasn't been resolved by CPR and I managed to bypass it by running the game with a user modified exe file available on ModNexus it bypasses the AVX error. It does so I assume by disabling its calling functions completely in the game file. To my understanding, the AVX functions are responsible for things like where the objects and NPCs are, and when in the game.
II. Disabling AVX could explain later behaviour/glitching that constantly repeats in-game afterwards.
Lots of objects seem misplaced, three or more NPCs spawning at the same time in the same place and making a T pose, cups, burgers, cigarettes hanging in space at the same time another cigarette is being smoked by an NPC they are assigned to who is nearby, or at that spot.
III. Objects that seem to be collectable/pickup enabled, yet I am unable to pick them up, often ones that are laying on or near other objects, like some drugs on a bin, or a card by the doors in your apartment. Seems like the larger object would be covering them somehow wits it mesh or something so that they can't be interacted with. But this could have to do with AVX as well.
IV. Some objects seem to have their textures missing or there is something wrong with their geometry, but more like missing or incorrect textures. One way or another they are displayed as something completely out of place.
V. Ragdolls and bodies behave strangely after they die, some you can mutilate further some you don't. Some are rock solid some flop about, most of the posses are a bit off and hanging over the ground.
VI. All character facial and body animations for random people conversations seem to be missing.
VII. You can't just mug people, how do you want me to be a cyberpunk if I can't mug people right in the middle of the street for fun.
VIII. Random NPCs hit absolute panic mode not just after you shoot or blow up a grenade nearby but as well as soon as you bump into them with your character especially while running. They hit survival mode, scream a lot, make the rest people around them panic and don't seem to leave that mode until you leave the area, and come back later. Overall it feels immersion breaking, would be much better if they would return to normal activities after a while if the danger is over.
VIII. Didn't notice any changes in weather effects so far so that's meh.
IX. Smoke has no physics. Water has no physics. In 2020?!?!
X. Mirrors do not reflect the character and the world reflected is very blurry. Beside the shabby apartment window.
XI. You can't play in the third person camera, besides while driving the car.
XII. Difficulty and Enemy NPC behaviour after being attacked/hacked is rather limited, their spotting range is quite short as well. This makes the whole experience rather easy.
XIII. Some items and objects have their description messed up and it's showing the literal text path from the file and then the text of the description, or some similar blunder.
XIV. Geometry elements like wires etc. sometimes are incorrectly sized or attached to building so it looks like they're socketed into a thin air etc. mostly encountered on rooftops. As well as some large parts of buildings are completely disconnected from the main building, mostly on rooftops.
XV. There is no wall running and the parkour elements are a bit stiff. As well rooftop areas are rather empty.
XVI. There is a glitch on rooftops, if you place yourself between two large gas/fuel pipes and move along them, the character accelerates to some ridiculous speed. I assume that's a wall running reference joke.
XVII. Most cars drive ok but the collisions are a joke, in both terms, the damage/destruction and the heaviness/weight feeling, cars feel like they're made of cardboard because of this. They lack velocity if I'm correct. Me being able to ram other cars and them flying in to air like a box of matches does not help the immersion.
XVIII. Environmental destruction is not what you promised.
XIX. Textures/objects go missing when you change items you are wearing. Like your hat will not appear etc.
XX. Characters all over the city seem quite dead. They just sit or stand there aimlessly without any life of their own.
XXI. Hacking is cool thou could be more elaborate in terms of manipulating multiple things trough network at the same time. Hoped things are going to be more interactive and more interconnected. Like that you're going to be able to explode more stuff, open gas/hot air vents... shit like that, electrocute people with the tempered environment like doors etc. manipulate streetlight, bots, turrets, blockades.
XXII. Where are the flying cars? I mean even Saints Row had that.
XXIII. The grappling hook would be nice.
XXIV. Ray tracing seems to have a problem with caps (hats) and it incorrectly highlights faces under the hat, when they should be in shadow. I think it happens because the light slips through the connection of hat beak/front with the rest of it.
XXV. There could be more (like much more) side activities and side stories.
XXVI. Games displayed on the gaming machines look like a joke from the 80's, and is very immersion breaking. Some of them look like done in paint by a two-year-old. As well I hoped you'd be able to play some of them as a side activity.
XXVII. You can't flush water or use sinks etc. (edit: besides the one toilet in your apartment)
XXVIII. For a game of that scope, music is just mehhh.
XXIX. That bullet ricochet tracing mode needs more work as it's really too hard to see which way the bullet will bounce, the path is too translucent and too small.
XXX. The map is atrocious. The 3D map would be acceptable if you could enlarge/view the nice entire minimap of the floor, but you can't.
XXXI. For the most part, the city looks very 2020 not 2077.
XXXII. Too little advertisements, holograms, projections, big screens, neons.
XXXIII. I hoped for a decent club life in the city.
XXXIV. Character float/moonwalk instead of walking over the floors sometimes.
XXXV. Very little random city behaviour apart beggars. No street dance. No fights. Nothing is happening by itself.
It's all there but it lacks soul and is devoured of any real-life simulation.
XXXVI. XP farming.
XXXVII. Your apartment stash is not showing attachments and mods installed in weapons, as well some weapons do not display their stats, you just get 0 displayed everywhere (got to take them out and put them back in - but I think it happens again after you reload the save), 0 dmg and so on. You seem to be unable to sort the stash. Its management is cumbersome. You can't even sort clothing by armour. Item icons are bit large when you transfer items and the movement between stash and inventory laaags a lot amount of items seems to affect that.
XXXVIII. When you knock over burning barrels, fire stays hanging in thin are while the barrel rolls over. That's kind of cheap, seen better burning barrels than that.
XXXIV. What the fuck is up with the "MANGO FARM CONTRACT" ?!?!?!
XXXIX. I hoped the rooftops will be more populated, and there would be more going on there, like collectables etc. in hard to get places.
XL. No combat drones, no recon drones, guided missiles shit like that.
That's all of the tops of my head for now but I assume there will be more.
Many of the things described were present in games as far as 25 years ago. How CPR can call this a next-generation game is beyond me.
For the good.
I. I do like the story so far.
II. Side missions are nice.
III. Story characters are realistic and cool.
IV. Animations are nice.
V. Like the hacking, moderately.
VI. Gunplay is nice.
VII. Character progression is O.K. thou I hoped for more cool implants and much more of cool abilities.
VIII. If you take away the glitches, the hiccups, stutters, frame drops, the game sports some really nice graphics.
6/10 for now simply because it's not what was advertised and falls very short of what a next-gen game is. To be honest with you, there was more next-gen in Saints Row III-IV, GTA V, Watch Dogs 1&2, Hellgate and Borderlands 2-Pre-3 than this game, not to mention games like Assasins Creed, Dying Light, Far Cry, Tomb Raider, WarFrame, Destiny, Titanfall. So many examples of how good or moderately good games should be done these days. What was CPR thinking?! This is an insult, to be honest. At the moment it's an empty shell of a game with almost no side activities apart from the shootouts with gangs, a multitude of luckily not game-breaking bugs, mediocre graphics, horrible physics if any, and with unpolished RayTracing slapped on it to make it look shiny. Hmmm thanks, but no thanks.
And yes I consider this list to be a bug list, not an opinion.... as if you advertise your game as a next-gen game it needs to include technologies and solutions from previous generations of games. Sadly apart from the RayTracing, most of what we see was there in System Shock 1 '94 & 2 '99 Duke Nukem 3D '96 and GTAIII '01, DeusEX 1 '00 & 2 '03 , BioShock '07, WatchDogs '14, Dead Island '11, Dying Light '15, not to mention things not used at all like Hellgate London '07 Smoke Physics and Bordarlands 2 '12 Liquid Physics. Have you seen how a body of water looks like in modern games cause your seaside looks like shitside in 2020, 100% honestly I refuse to believe this is intended by the renown CPR unless they've become new Origin/Ubisoft/Bethesda? So all of it must be a bug.
My recommendation would be to sit down the dev team and make them all play through the titles mentioned above. CDP must be working them so hard that they didn't have time to play any games since '95.
Sorry for my tone but I've always been rough around the edges.
[Edited for tone -- SigilFey] (Pretty in-depth review overall, agree or disagree!)