Cyberpunk 2077 User Reviews & Impressions

Hello CDPR
I've just finished CP2077, literally couple of minutes ago. My first playthrough. I wanted to give you my feedback while it's still hot.
First, a thank you for developing this game.
I'm coming from a truly amazing experience with The Witcher 3. It took my one year to finish it, and I spent there more than 600 hours. One playthrugh.
When I read that CP2077 would be even more massive, I braced myself for something even more profound. I've to say, maybe I put to much hopes and expectations in this. Galaxy client tells me I've spent 51 hours on it, and I've already finished it. Doing all the quests that were somewhat story related. Obviously there were still tons of spot on the maps, like police or side jobs, but they are just that, minor distractions, not much "story". And here I've to make another parallel with the Witcher 3, there, almost all side quests had a story and a meaning, some also with very profound thematics (abortion, parenthood, just to make examples). Here in CP2077, I have to say, I didn't experience much of this. In a word, I would say it was quite ... shallow.
Also romantic interactions (no spoilers), the quest are very few, I had just two quest and that was it.

I think I'll let know digest some time this experience, and maybe I'll try another playthrough, as Nomad (was Corpo this time).

Just my experience and feedback
Thank you
Hey to all you guys at CDPR.
I hope you fellows are actually reading these forum posts. If so, I then hope you find what I have to say here to be fair and useful.

Cyberpunk 2077 has been enjoyable overall, and I will continue to play it. I've clocked in over 160 hours into CP77, including having completed main story twice. Night City is breathtaking, and a delight to explore. You've captured much of the moral ambiguity that defines the Cyberpunk genre. And all the endings are absolutely heartbreaking. Good job.

But I also cannot ignore all of the mistakes you have made. Some of you may be happy with how it is, but the reality is CP77 is not what it should or needs to be. That is not just my opinion, but the word of hundreds of thousands of other gamers around the world. Your customers. You guys need to overhaul this game, and it needs to be a massive undertaking that transforms the "No Man's Sky overhaul" reference into the "Cyberpunk overhaul" reference.

Of course, not every cut feature needs to be brought back either. I don't care much for 3rd person view, and I think the choice to cut it was correct. Same with wall-crawling with Mantis Blades, I think that was correct to cut as well. And I know these two specific examples publicly announced to be cut months before the game's release. As a D&D Dungeon Master, I can see why some features are better off not implementing. And I can deal with bugs and glitches. It would be unfair to give you guys flak about bugs when other game developers have been doing the same thing for years.

It is the complete failure to properly incorporate staple features that concerns me: no keybinding, no out-zooming mini-map, and dozens of other features that have been in similar games for over a decade. Everyone at CDPR needs to watch CrowbCat's 40 minute video analysis of your game as a reference for what I'm talking about:
Saints Row, GTA, even a Lego game have included features that should have made it into Cyberpunk 2077 just to bring it up to par against everything else on the market. Post-creation hair cuts, vehicles bypassing obstacles, stealing cars at gunpoint, etc. And the lack of consequences to certain decisions gives me a pause of concern. Night City is supposed to be dangerous and V has been making enemies out of gangs - so the world needs to feel dangerous, and it really doesn't. Where are all the gangsters trying to mug V or take his car? Where are V's enemies coming back for revenge? Assassination attempts, warrants, and bounties, those kinds of things. Instead of Trouble finding V, it's up to V to find Trouble. There is no danger in that.

I understand this is your first time making a game outside the fantasy genre, and you guys tried to make something bigger, more ambitious, and better than The Witcher 3 in the same amount of time. Good on you for pushing your limits, but remember the story of Icarus. The sun is melting your wings, but you still have a chance to come back down to Earth. With all the gaming world's eyes on you, I don't feel I should have to say I hope you guys learned your lesson. But here we are.

It is irony in its purest form a video game development company would make a video game containing a huge anti-mega-corporation warning only commit the exact kind of act the video game itself warns against. Please, no more lies and broken promises, and overhaul your game into the glorious monster it deserves to be.
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Just finished the Heist, after 50 hours playing free mission in town.

Then I had to endure a very very long not pausable, no save, barely interractive movie where I learn I am going to die and my character actually doesn’t matter...

Seriously guys ? Who thought that was a good idea ? The flat head sequence of the Heist were dull fillers, all thoses sequences of railroading were quite boring too. But the interractive movie ? Guys ? It looks like the worst part of a roleplaying session where you are introduced to the gamemaster’ girlfriend character and you just know that from now on you are stuck in the rear seat...

Bad developpers, bad, no cookie !!!
CDPR, it took a while but I finally got angry with you. It just happened. I was playing the game and on the Arroyo Beat the Brat mission. The minimap was pointing me to a location where I lost my mobility. (No jump and I can't draw weapons.) But it wasn't where I needed to go. Where I needed to go was directly underneath me and... without my mobility... I had to run all the way around the block.
Earlier today I spent an HOUR crafting only to realize that I was stuck in Safe Zone STATE (you guys and your bloody states) and, after trying everything but triggering a cutscene I finally got disgusted and reloaded before all of that material up-crafting. Which brings me to how monstrously insulting your 1 at a time crafting mechanic is.
You think so little of my time, do you?

What offends me the most, though, is that a video game is, ultimately, an experience crafted for the player. Well, after playing this game for the past several weeks it is apparent to me that you guys, CDPR, have no idea what it feels like to play this game.
It is SO obvious that the levels and interactions and situations and locations were NEVER tested.
I ran into a situation yesterday that required climbing a scaffolding to reach an upper level where the boss had died... only it was nearly impossible. The space to climb up was too narrow to jump through and could only be ascended by a very specific and NOT obvious technique... especially when the inclination is just to double jump. There was NO WAY that passed ANY kind of QA attention.
How can you market an experience to me that you, yourself, know nothing about?
No one played this game before release.
No one made sure this was an experience worth my money and time.

I'm disappointed in you, CDPR. Earn my forgiveness by giving us as good a Cyberpunk 2077 as you can.
Cos I liked liking you.
I would like to share my 2 cents about this game.

Visually stunning, even while running in backwards compability mode on a PS5.
Vast open world, which exploring you quickly become addicted to.
Strong side missions.
One is not obliged to to dive deeper into the world by reading every piece of information, doing every sidequest and so on.
The sole fact that you can, that there is more, creates a immersion on its own.

I would seperate these in technical and gameplay issues

Technical issues
So many bugs and glitches, that I began counting my playtime in the amount of game crashes, while repeated saving and consultation of internet forums like this are nescessary just to avoid or solve major bugs.
HDR is broken on this game, calibration only elevates / lowers all colours. Looks better in SDR, albeit too dark.

Extensive charcter customization upon start feels wasted, as you can barely see your character outside of the photo mode.
Moreover, customization of you character, flat, car, etc. is flat-out impossible later, which breaks the immersion (you are allowed to buy cars for 2 million eddies, but are forced to stay in the same dumpster of a flat nontheless, f.e.)
No interaction with NPC's, all react with the same dialogue and in very basic patterns.
So many locked doors.
Ridicolous physics when driving (you can literally crush stone while riding a bike, will not fall off, do 90° turns etc.)
While the game is certainly filled with graphic violence, other aspects of the adult content one would expect from a place like Night City, like nudity or drug abuse feel censored.

That being said, although the cons are many, I still put countless hours in this game, which tells a story of its own about how much I enjoyed this game and even more about great it could be.

Best regards,

So... finally, here it is! What do you think about Cyberpunk?

It has potential.

But compared to what was promised, and the timeline they set (2012 was the start of the project???) so little has been delivered.

I'm not talking about the bugs and glitches, although they can be frustrating,they are not the biggest issue, they are just a minor annoyance.... it's the severely reduced content compared to what was promised that is the problem.

I like the game, completed 3 playthroughs (PC with decent specs and video), and currently on the 4th, but only persevering as the game will finally let me play as a male character, every previous attempt resulted in corrupted graphics after loading a saved game (No matter what stage of the game, even before the "intro" part was complete)

The "choices" given in dialogue to progress the game are mostly superficial, there is no real "role play".
The overly long periods of dialogue where your only input is to hit the "C" key to skip through, or the "F" key when you only have one option.
The scripted "scenes" with Johnny Silverhands taking over at various points, where you have no option but to just follow along, or at best, have limited choice that seem to make little to no effect on the outcome are tedious enough the first time through, but on subsequent playing are just a trial of frustrating time I wont get back. (can't give examples, as this will spoil the game for others, but the whole bunch of scenes with Alt Cunningham and that insipid poem are good examples, the ending in hospital in space, using the cube and doing the tests over and over and over again.......)

The vehicle driving mechanics are woeful, the scripted actions/reactions of the police in game are pathetic, and just plain annoying. Mentioned driving mechanics cause you to just clip one pedestrian, causing little harm and you get murdered by suddenly spawning from nowhere police/drones/bots. Next time you can run over a whole footpath full of people and nothing happens. You even get the police NPC's spawning inside a closed room.

I had a task given to me by the NCPD depatch to clear away some ne'er do wells, , only to find nearby police walking in from the street and attacking me... no NPC's apart from the people I was assigned to attack were even present, let alone hurt, but the police attacked me, not the "bad guys" they tasked me to take out.

The frustration is real.
I feel cheated and lied to, taken advantage of and generally treated as just a source of revenue.

I feel sorry for the large number of developers, artists etc that put a huge amount of effort into the product, probably a lot of extra hours (that they allegedly didn't have to do officially of course) only to see poor management decisions cause this mess.
It will be a long whine thread so bear with me folks.

Just completed Cyberpunk 2077: the main storyline + all side quests that you don't need to look for on the map yourself, except for some gigs and competitions like street battles. It took 34 hours, few times less than I thought (about two weeks of periodic gaming in the evenings). Below is a huge #sheet on why Cyberpunk is a bad game.
Unfortunately for me, this is one of the biggest disappointments in gaming in the last few years. Largely because of extremely high expectations, but not only. The developers worked very hard on the city, the visual style, made a fascinating plot, introduced interesting characters to which you get attached, and ... you can watch all of this on YouTube. At the same time, Cyberpunk is not at all interesting to _play_. As a game, it does not work at all, even worse than one would expect from a purely story-driven single. I decided to ponder why.

Games offer us tasks and / or a process. Problems are situations in which you have to make choices, use your mind to compute, find the right answer and the best move. The process is the pleasure of motor feedback, using your skill and reflexes to get into timings. So, for example, chess almost entirely consists of "problems", and Serious Sam - of "process". "Almost", because in chess, in addition to the game itself, it can be physically pleasant to move the pieces and put the King on the side when you win. And in Serious Sam, you can think about finding the best shooting position and choosing weapons against each type of enemy. But in essence, the gameplay in these games is fundamentally different.

A fairly complex game claims to be of both types. In The Witcher, there are moral choices that make us remember the details of the relationship between the characters and try to predict the consequences - this is a "puzzle". But sword fighting against enemies is a "process" which dominates. In StarCraft, you need to know all types of troops of all races and understand what and in what quantity to build, to which point on the map to lead them. This is the "puzzle" on which the whole game is built. But microcontrol in it is a "process". I, for example, as a casual player, do not know microcontrol in StarCraft and do not use it, preferring exclusively the strategic part. And in Quake 3, on the contrary, I do not know any strategy that determines which points on the map to defend and how to move, but I just run and shoot.

I must say, in the same Witcher, the strategic part is very weak, because it is very simple, and does not require much thinking. This is normal for this type of game: they are based on movement and action, so they rely on a combination of plot and points of pleasure from the process. In this respect, Cyberpunk offers a level of tasks comparable to the Witcher or even weaker: hacking is ridiculously easy, and there are almost no ambiguous choices in dialogues. Therefore, the only thing that is exactly the game component in Cyberpunk is the combat process (and stealth as a special case of it). And now it just doesn't work at all. Fighting enemies in Cyberpunk 2077 is not fun, boring and tiring. You want to skip the fights, they are absolutely not enjoyable and are perceived as an unnecessary routine.

Okay, it's hard to make a really fun and "savory" shooting. It is necessary that the combination of feedback from a shot and a hit, as well as the required damage to kill enemies, is on the border between the difficulty of using a skill and the joy of receiving a reward. In Painkiller and Serious Sam, the enemies are thrown in hordes and die quickly, the game generates enough of them so that the destruction of the crowds is not always too easy, but also does not seem pointless. Separate death animations along with different shooting styles with different weapons create the right level of pleasure. In Mass Effect 2, enemies are harder to kill, but the visual effects, the cover system and especially the sound design make it feel like you destroy a piece of armor or other protection with each shot, literally breaking the enemy piece by piece, which is also very nice. In Horizon, you have to hit the right points of the beast to kill it, a kind of mini tactical game within the process. In Cyberpunk, neither one nor the other worked: you either shoot at an enemy for a long time, who almost does not respond to a hit, or you headshot him with a sniper rifle. A really cool weapon to use with smart bullets, but it's not enough to make all shooting fun. Otherwise, the game adds dozens of guns to your gear, which behave in about the same way and are only needed for sale. The remnants of joy from the game are killed by the level of difficulty: on average, you boredly walk through enemies without stopping, and at high, any careless movement forces you to restart the entire level, because you cannot save in the middle of the battle.

Melee also failed, but everything is simpler here - it's impossible to make a cool melee system in the first person shooter, hands down. In all games with normal fights, without exception, battles take place from a third person: from Oni to the Batman Arkham series. And, for example, Deus Ex switches to third-person view at the moment of finishing moves. Because the coolness of hand-to-hand fighting is in acrobatics, somersaults and choreography. It will not work to convey this in the first person. When I installed the Mantis Blades for myself, I immediately switched to photo mode to look at myself, but then I was in for a bummer - they are absent in the third person model. From the first person, a fight even with such a cool weapon does not look impressive and is not interesting to play.

But the most failure is the abilites and the perk tree. In Dark Messiah, I was looking forward to every leveling point to unlock a new spell, and even replayed the game to level another tier. In The Witcher, when I found the Purification Potion, which allows me to redistribute all the points, I was overjoyed - I really wanted to see the rest of the abilities and Signs that I had not yet discovered. I didn't care about that in Cyberpunk. I pumped in points without any thought, because I did not see almost a single interesting ability that would somehow significantly change the game and would contain some really visible effect. The overwhelming majority of skills are dull bull**** like "+ 5% reloading speed." Almost all of them just slightly modify a small numerical indicator, affecting only the animation speed. With cyber modifications, the shame is no less. The developers managed to throw such a huge genre potential into the trash. There are hardly 2-3 modifications for the whole game, which give something valuable and noticeable: blades, enhanced jump, connection with smart bullets and that's it. Most of the other things are the same nonsense with numbers: +10 to armor, +30 to recovery speed, etc. I don't need +10 armor, I need a freaking plasma cannon in place of my arm! Have the developers not seen Deus Ex? There, each cyber modification literally added some kind of fundamentally new game element and a whole layer of game capabilities: invisibility, jumping from any height, lightning in hands. There was even a "Social Corrector" implant that completely changes all the dialogue in the game.

And finally, cyber attacks, which are supposed to be something like spells and debuffs. In The Witcher, even a small amount of magic is quite interesting: all Signs have two modes that work in completely different ways. They have different animations, they have different effects on the picture of the battle, they are interesting to explore and apply. In Mass Effect, biotic strikes are generally imbalanced and allow you to temporarily disable almost any enemy from combat, and in addition to them, there are also abilities of the teammates. In Dragon Age, needless to say, how different spells are. Here cyber attacks are essentially divided into two types: to distract the enemy for a short time (for stealth) and to take away some percentage of the enemy's HP. They are mostly very weak, the effect is about the same, the animations are minimal. In stealth, in half of the cases, they lead to detection, in a direct attack they work too slowly and unreliable: it is faster to make a shot from a sniper rifle. While this is overall the most "done" part of the gameplay, it is still too sluggish and toothless to pull up the whole game.

At the same time, I repeat: the plot, the city and the characters are gorgeous. I really liked the main story and the plot of some side missions (for example, about the Peralez family), I caught some awesome Easter eggs (GLADOS in one of the Delamains, and in the police station there is a BB from Death Stranding). If it would be a movie, no questions asked. But this is a game, and it should be fun to play, not watch. Moreover, it is doubly offensive - the developers have already successfully spent 80% of their efforts on models, animation, voice acting, script. There was still 20% of the effort left on good gameplay, and this was where investors seemed to be rushing them. Even if the feeling of shooting can be called subjective, it is still impossible to explain the apparently poor perk tree by anything other than haste. Now, after the full completion, my fears were confirmed that bugs are far from the main problem of the game, and after six months it will still remain unfinished.
How is this game on PC? Specifically a machine with specs comparable to 10700F, 5700xt. Are all the story bugs and physics issues in the console version present in the PC version or is the PC version a significant improvement bug wise.
How is this game on PC? Specifically a machine with specs comparable to 10700F, 5700xt. Are all the story bugs and physics issues in the console version present in the PC version or is the PC version a significant improvement bug wise.
There's 1.1 patch coming and its deadline is 23rd/24th. Jan

I was able to finish the game on Xbox One X just fine, played 170 hours but there appear to be legit issues on all platforms, so I would wait for the patch. Also, might be good to check Steam forums for more information regarding technical aspect of things on PC.

First Impression

I chose Corpo beginning simply because I'm stuck working retail for what will probably be the rest of my life. More familiar. Not a fan of the drug/drinking scene and rooty-tooty-point'n shooties are lame. Definitely saw the inevitable tragedy that would happen in the first act. Still not too disappointed by it though--


Johnny and my Ex both played guitar, smoked, drank and talked non-stop about their passionate resentment for the corporations. Intimacy was impersonal and only one person finished the race. He was someone that liked to instigate and push his cynical and bitter outlook onto other people. I felt shitty because I've never been someone to be so easily triggered. I guess the tldr is that I had a lot of unpleasant memories come rushing back that made me put the game down for a few days. Didn't leave that relationship with any physical bruises, but any longer and I'd say it would have happened.

End Impression

The difference between Johnny and my Ex? Johnny actually means what he says and follows through. He fucks up, but he doesn't quit. Not to mention he was actually capable of learning and showing some humility. He was a decent and respectable companion for V's journey, in the end. I let Maelstrom live because I didn't want to help the blonde lady. I didn't want to help Militech either, but I didn't have a choice I guess. I exacted my revenge on the Voodoo boys and I would have kept going but never bothered to explore if that were even possible on the first playthrough. Will they let me shoot an old woman? Probably not. Can't aim your guns at a main character at least.

I was ultimately disappointed with the ending however. Suicide would have been my first option, but I knew that ending would be fairly quick and underwhelming (duh), but I'd at least be going out on my own terms for the first time in the fricking game. I called Panam, and found out I was one choice off from unlocking the secret ending. Given how everyone tries to screw you over from the very start, I would have been more satisfied going it alone to be a thorn in their side one last time. Take out all of the other factions

Overall I was quite pleased. Sci-Fi, let alone the Punk genre, isn't my cup of chocolate milk and I found myself enjoying the rainbow of personalities the game had to offer. It's still definitely in need of an overhaul, but I'm confident they'll pull through, like they have with every other game so far.


Character Creation: "Meh."

  • I like to self insert most of the time, but like always, I will forever be an underrepresented part of any media as of right now. Diverse backgrounds make it next to impossible for any company to want to incorporate facial features (and curly ringlets) into a game.
  • Totally think more visual DLC's need to be released over time. Seemed like there wasn't enough customization in regards to tattoos and designs. Even color palettes could be expanded! especially for natural lip colors. Ick!
  • My skills were kinda distributed evenly, but primarily Intelligence, Cool and Technical. I didn't quite fully have an understanding of all of the abilities, and it probably didn't help that there were bugs involved (aerial knock-outs were never a thing and the option never appeared so I wasted a point on nothing). In the end I crit Smasher with a single quick hack for about 1/3 of his health.
  • Expressions are awful... the first time I looked in the mirror to test them, her face didn't change. When I pose for selfies, it's like her jaw distends and her skull changes shape and EW. Nope. No thanks!

Characters and Quests: "Hm!"
  • Personalities and development are there! I enjoy a good chunk of the interactions. Picking on Takemura was always fun and cute.
  • Jackie: Eh. Loveable and fun, but deeply troubled. Misty mentions there's a blockage in his heart chakra which made me wonder if he was falling in love with my female V or if it's just the latter of everything he'd tried to hide from the world.
  • Some bugs did occur that probably put a damper on the flow of the story. I'm not sure if it's because I did a lot of sidequests beforehand, but I feel like the main questline happened too fast. Just as I closed one chapter with Judy, one opened up for Panam. Or I just finished quick traveling and Panam called me asking me to come back.
  • I'm not a fan of Easter Eggs... and that's because I don't take in enough content to recognize them all. I know it's something a lot of people get hyped about, but I just don't have the knowledge/interest or time, and when I spend x amount of hours to find a couple of journals that were supposed to reference a show that I've never seen, it feels repetitive and ultimately disappointing.
  • Dum Dum is a cutie. He was so happy to see me the second time around and even showed me his new teefs! UuU
Music: "Get out of my car!"
  • Top 3 in no particular order: Bigger man, Muelvo and Only Son. Too many times I'd linger in the car, sloooooooowly putting one leg out the door at a time just to see if I didn't like the song. I could totes shake my booty to Muelvo any day. Don't think I could get tired of it even after 1k loops! No Save Point is good because it definitely sets that vibe of 'ohhhh they about to get into some mischief!' but the lyrics kinda lose a few points with me. Good, but cheesy.
Favorite NPC Quotes:
  • "Mommy! I'm being robbed!" --- Chubby Man, after bumping into him by mistake.
  • "Walk...Walk...Walk..."
  • "Don't walk. Don't walk. Don't walk."
  • "Walk..."

  • I can't remember- was it ever mentioned as to why Johnny's personality was being kept there and... I dunno... someone a little more important? Entertainment value? Bring him back just so someone can get their revenge on him?
  • Why wasn't there an actual drink you could buy that was named after Jackie? I don't drink but I woulda poured one out in respect. ):
  • Why no CyberPsychosis in-depth story? I wanna see the results! (though I guess V technically wouldn't be able to live long enough to see this)

I totes wanna know what your favorite bits were- songs, NPCs, quests, funniest/best moments etc! Lemme hurr!
Answer: Johnny was being sold, apparently to reach alt.

first impressions
I kinda like this game, and I usually don't like first person, or shooters (I did melee though)
Keanu.... doesn't seem as gritty or abolish as this characters supposed to be
Judy pretty desirable, nailed annerisms and voice acting
panam is sexy, but doesn't pull off the angrysexy, generally angryannoying
Johnny is a jackass
boxing two at once bastids with air punches
screw the corporations

end impressions
really liked the game, apparently, I been playin it for a month.
Keanu... I guess hes aight
Judy, still sexy, kinda depressing
panam, a lil shrill, but not depressing
Johnny, not a bad dude
no but really screw the corporations
wish I could help the peops of the world
weirdly, I like drivin for no reason, though pc controls lead to homicide.

chars and quests
speaking chars, mostly nailed it. Untangling back stories in smaller quests is cool
Jackie, he was a bro,
misty is a darling
Vic is the man, but his cyberware.... come on man
come on placide, I see your vision, why you gotta make me..
Damn Evelyn the writers really did a number on you...
vehicles designed to kill pedestrians
Oh... but I didnt really want to join... aldecados... she just said call her back man.. oh... a bunch of guys died on that mission... yeah I guess.. fine..
Takamura.... why do people like you? Your just some guy.

pacific dreams, I don't know the titles.
hole in the sun
night city by pseudo weeknd
some other instrumentals

Should really do some fan comics, but, that requires massive unlazyness
Honestly not sure which forum subject this should go under so General it is

Cyberpunk 2077 review (Non Spoiler)

So going to save the haters and whiners some time here

I think Cyberpunk 2077 is a bonified Masterpiece that has raised the bar significantly for all future Open World RPGs.

If that statement bothers you

stop reading and move on to somewhere else."

So finished Cyberpunk 2077 last night.
188 hours and 42 minutes for complete finish
every side job, every police alert, every nook and cranny explored fully
75% achievements gained in one play through

So right off the bat let me say, if you EVER read someone saying this game is to short and only took them 40 hours or less
Just block them as a mindless troll and move on
This game delivers bang for the buck in a massive way

And also let me be clear, the in-depth writing and story telling that plays on your emotions and sympathies can be found through out the game, outside the main story line arc.
Many of the side jobs have quite in-depth and immersive characters and stories and settings.
So unlike so many RPGs that have come before, there is actual depth and substance to doing side job missions. Beyond just as easy XP options.

There is 4 routes of missions in Cyberpunk 2077
1) Main Story Arc (which is fucking amazing from start to finish)
2) Side Jobs (which range from fully fleshed out character driven separate mini story arcs to heists to kidnappings to straight up assassination missions)
3) Police alerts (basic kill/subdue missions of gang bangers. Not much to these other then kill and loot)
4) Vehicle purchasing missions (exactly as it sounds, get a ad for a vehicle for sale, go to location and buy vehicle.)

As for ending, I did 2 of 3 possible endings (not counting separate off shoots inside the selected ending that can change the outcome) and BOTH WERE AMAZING and entirely different. Ill try the 3rd later today but so far the endings have been excellently done. Maybe not what I was expecting I admit. But I do not veiw that as a negative.

There is no experience for exploration (that I noticed anyways) but the City and map is MASSIVE and every area has its own personality and character and well worth spending time just exploring.

Players that rush through stuff are only diminishing their own over all experience.
While you can play the game as a mindless FPS type game
This game is first and foremost a RPG and the writing and detailed backstory that is in the game is nothing short of amazing.

I said my early impression was a 8.5 out of 10 rating and I'm staying with that score now I'm finished

The game is not perfect
but its very very very very good.

Ironically one of the negatives was self inflicted on themselves by CDPR.
As we have come to know now, originally this game was conceptually imagined as a Third Person Perspective game, and it shows in places where the forced First Person Perspective is cumbersome and works against the player trying to do what should be some pretty simple maneuvers. Specifically in stealth portions of the game and when trying to judge distances in jumping and specific pathing.

Had CDPR kept the 3rd person option in the game, as originally intended, I would raise the score to 9 out of 10. But it has to lose that .5 for the problems stemming from forced FPP.

Simple truth is in this day and age and at our level of technology there is no excuse for not offering FPP AND TPP gameplay option.

Speaking only for myself, but as a dedicated CDPR supporter since The Witcher 1. As much as I love the story and setting and as much as CDPR still has not disappointed me with the quality of their work. This will be the last FPP only product I pre order from them. Any future games they make FPP only will be put in the $30.00 or less bin. Because for me, Forced FPP is a game breaking, immersion breaking design fault.

After that my negative stuff is minor nit picking stuff that mostly will be corrected by mods anyways, so not a big deal.

I downloaded the expanded mini map for when driving and that mod made a world of difference in the driving experience.

I also downloaded the anti censorship mod because the censorship in CP 2077 surprised me honestly. After making such a big deal promoting how you would be doing genitalia and sex scenes in game. And having the city and culture of setting so hardcore pornographic based. The lack of nudity is really out of place I must say. Its like two conflicting mindsets clashing and pro censorship won out. Which honestly annoys me because when I walk into a strip club, I expect to see STRIPPERS.

But for some weird reason CDPR made the shell of the setting over the top pornographic in nature and the underneath as sanitized and proper as humanly possible. And this sort of stuff has bothered me in other games like Rockstar games and Bethesda games.

If you want to put adult situations and locations into your games.
Then put them in.
Enough with the censorship bullshit.
Very weird design choice imo.

As for the rest
I experienced maybe 10 graphics bugs (minor non game breaking ones) all game.
I did have some crashing issues early on but it was nothing remembering to save didn't work around
and this last patch 1.1 really did stabilize the game so 95% of the previous crashes disappeared.

I am on a 3 year old Ryzen 5 6 core computer
32 gigs of ram
1080 ti graphics card
So I had no access to Ray Tracing or DLSS advance technology
but otherwise everything ran on ultra and ran exceptionally smoothly

Amazing game and I cant wait for the DLCs to hit.


  • Cyberpunk 2077 Screenshot 2021.01.24 -
    Cyberpunk 2077 Screenshot 2021.01.24 -
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    Desktop Screenshot 2021.01.24 - (2).png
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CD Project indeed rises the story and characters immersion standards for RPG games. Problem is now i cant play another RPG because compared with CP 2077 all characters looking like wood logs :shrug:I thing CD Project the only developer who refers to their games like object of art not only entertaining stuff. Really happy about that.
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I also downloaded the anti censorship mod because the censorship
Im going to find it, never liked non official mods but willing to make an exception :beer:
Honestly not sure which forum subject this should go under so General it is

Cyberpunk 2077 review (Non Spoiler)

So going to save the haters and whiners some time here

I think Cyberpunk 2077 is a bonified Masterpiece that has raised the bar significantly for all future Open World RPGs.

If that statement bothers you

stop reading and move on to somewhere else."

So finished Cyberpunk 2077 last night.
188 hours and 42 minutes for complete finish
every side job, every police alert, every nook and cranny explored fully
75% achievements gained in one play through

So right off the bat let me say, if you EVER read someone saying this game is to short and only took them 40 hours or less
Just block them as a mindless troll and move on
This game delivers bang for the buck in a massive way

And also let me be clear, the in-depth writing and story telling that plays on your emotions and sympathies can be found through out the game, outside the main story line arc.
Many of the side jobs have quite in-depth and immersive characters and stories and settings.
So unlike so many RPGs that have come before, there is actual depth and substance to doing side job missions. Beyond just as easy XP options.

There is 4 routes of missions in Cyberpunk 2077
1) Main Story Arc (which is fucking amazing from start to finish)
2) Side Jobs (which range from fully fleshed out character driven separate mini story arcs to heists to kidnappings to straight up assassination missions)
3) Police alerts (basic kill/subdue missions of gang bangers. Not much to these other then kill and loot)
4) Vehicle purchasing missions (exactly as it sounds, get a ad for a vehicle for sale, go to location and buy vehicle.)

As for ending, I did 2 of 3 possible endings (not counting separate off shoots inside the selected ending that can change the outcome) and BOTH WERE AMAZING and entirely different. Ill try the 3rd later today but so far the endings have been excellently done. Maybe not what I was expecting I admit. But I do not veiw that as a negative.

There is no experience for exploration (that I noticed anyways) but the City and map is MASSIVE and every area has its own personality and character and well worth spending time just exploring.

Players that rush through stuff are only diminishing their own over all experience.
While you can play the game as a mindless FPS type game
This game is first and foremost a RPG and the writing and detailed backstory that is in the game is nothing short of amazing.

I said my early impression was a 8.5 out of 10 rating and I'm staying with that score now I'm finished

The game is not perfect
but its very very very very good.

Ironically one of the negatives was self inflicted on themselves by CDPR.
As we have come to know now, originally this game was conceptually imagined as a Third Person Perspective game, and it shows in places where the forced First Person Perspective is cumbersome and works against the player trying to do what should be some pretty simple maneuvers. Specifically in stealth portions of the game and when trying to judge distances in jumping and specific pathing.

Had CDPR kept the 3rd person option in the game, as originally intended, I would raise the score to 9 out of 10. But it has to lose that .5 for the problems stemming from forced FPP.

Simple truth is in this day and age and at our level of technology there is no excuse for not offering FPP AND TPP gameplay option.

Speaking only for myself, but as a dedicated CDPR supporter since The Witcher 1. As much as I love the story and setting and as much as CDPR still has not disappointed me with the quality of their work. This will be the last FPP only product I pre order from them. Any future games they make FPP only will be put in the $30.00 or less bin. Because for me, Forced FPP is a game breaking, immersion breaking design fault.

After that my negative stuff is minor nit picking stuff that mostly will be corrected by mods anyways, so not a big deal.

I downloaded the expanded mini map for when driving and that mod made a world of difference in the driving experience.

I also downloaded the anti censorship mod because the censorship in CP 2077 surprised me honestly. After making such a big deal promoting how you would be doing genitalia and sex scenes in game. And having the city and culture of setting so hardcore pornographic based. The lack of nudity is really out of place I must say. Its like two conflicting mindsets clashing and pro censorship won out. Which honestly annoys me because when I walk into a strip club, I expect to see STRIPPERS.

But for some weird reason CDPR made the shell of the setting over the top pornographic in nature and the underneath as sanitized and proper as humanly possible. And this sort of stuff has bothered me in other games like Rockstar games and Bethesda games.

If you want to put adult situations and locations into your games.
Then put them in.
Enough with the censorship bullshit.
Very weird design choice imo.

As for the rest
I experienced maybe 10 graphics bugs (minor non game breaking ones) all game.
I did have some crashing issues early on but it was nothing remembering to save didn't work around
and this last patch 1.1 really did stabilize the game so 95% of the previous crashes disappeared.

I am on a 3 year old Ryzen 5 6 core computer
32 gigs of ram
1080 ti graphics card
So I had no access to Ray Tracing or DLSS advance technology
but otherwise everything ran on ultra and ran exceptionally smoothly

Amazing game and I cant wait for the DLCs to hit.

after finishing the game in all 3 life paths in 3 playthroughs, there are some points you may not be aware of which may affect your score.

unfriendlyness towards replayability: (unskippable content)
the sheer amount of unskippable content you must slog through just to get control of your character. there should be an option to just skip the entire act1 once you have finished the game once. it takes waaaay too long to get pass the watson lockdown once you have already been through it a few times... you are pretty much on rails in this part of the story and cant really do anything productive due to the game mechanics. the game is designed so that the beginning of the game is exponentially harder then later in the game and act 1 just locks you there for like 10 hours while half of the time you have no access to your character at all because you are locked in a cutscene or conversation or 3.... when you try to skip conversations you have heard a few times already, you get locked into a bug where skipping conversation is no longer possible which requires a reload to clear up... (yes bug still there as of 1.1)

unable to loot: (floor geometry collision problem)
even tho it's an RPG, it plays alot like a looter shooter. and for the more OCD among us, not being able to loot (even if it was just a piece of junk that you can break down into components) drives me insane sometimes. anything dropped in the badlands, there is a 50% chance it will fall into/near a bush which block your ability to loot that blue/purple/orange item which can mean reload and and do the fight over again hoping the mob wont die near a bush. even in cities, there are plenty of places where you see the loot, but cant pick it up... in one of the mission, the mobs had the audacity to die on a dance floor which means you cant loot any of the corpses since all you do is dance on top of that purple gun you needed for an upgrade... and now, as of 1.1 with fixed loot, you REALLY need to check that piece of loot to see if it rolled with the right socket or not. who cares if it ozob's turd colored hotpants, as long as it's got those 3 mod slots.... commander shepard never had that problem...

everyone is locked into the tech tree (weapon upgrade cost)
unless you cheat and dupe like crazy, the ONLY way to use the weapon/gear you like / looks good is to spec into tech... with the insane amount of materials required to upgrade a single weapon you like, the ONLY way is to build those 5000 ozob's nose and exploit that 20% freebie build mechanic. it is IMPOSSIBLE to "upgrade" a weapon you like to your current level w/o cheating if you do not spec into the tech tree... there is ONLY 1 exception to this and that is skippy since he upgrades himself to your level. so if you do not spec into the tech tree, you effectively have only 1 usable weapon and that is skippy. iconic weapons? yah forget that, half of them you cant even have since they drop as crafting spec. good luck with getting that comrades hammer for your don't fear the reaper red skull attempt on very hard... and that widowmaker that is 25 levels below your current level... i'm sure you can use that instead of your autoleveled skippy :D it's like what old henry ford said, you can have any color you want as long as it's black...

these are pretty much the biggies for me. how you enjoy your game is up to you, but when writing a review, it's good to include some actual feedback instead of constantly blowing smoke up their ***. reviews like that is not productive. I'm not a youtuber, but i still finished the game 3 times (one on each life path and all on very hard difficulity) because i REALLY enjoyed the game. i whole heartedly agree with you that it is a fantastic game, and it really grinds my gear to see those vultures that feeds on the negativity surrounding the game just to get a few more views on youtube.(yah you know who you are) but, just kissing up to CDPR does not help them keep/improve the quality of their game and it just accelerate the devolution of CDPR into something we all loath like EA...

CDPR is one of the few good companies left in the world (along with their neighbor bohemia interactive. yah i saw that easter egg although nobody else mentioned it :D ) we should help them center their thoughts and not get distracted by all the vultures circling them. their thoughts should be centered around bringing 2077 up to the quality that fans are accustomed to by providing useful and good feedback. simply blowing smoke does not help their (nor your) cause. they deserve better from a long term fan.

Most of the game is good, world is great aesthetic is good. The only other thing that matters to me is the story. Don't play a lot of games, don't care about bugs or crafting or shit like that so that's okay with me.

But there is one thing that really really bothered me about the plot. Takemura needs to have a romance with V and a positive ending/advanced plot or the story is basically ruined.

The storyline is already set up for such, but it didn't happen. The ending actually punished you for investing in a potential relationship him. I am a straight female and don't play games really but I like cyberpunk and bladerunner a lot, so I played it for the story... And this is a big hole that left me feeling bitter like reading a book with a bad ending.

It doesn't even make sense to keep Takemura with Arasaka. Saburo already betrayed him. And he's a fake Emporer anyway. There's no reason V should not be able to convince Takemura that what he has with Saburo is a lie. Saburo is a corporate thug, he's a pretender. He's not the ruler of Japan, or of anything, he's a CEO with far too much power. He doesn't care about the people of Japan, he farms them for money and labor. They aren't his people. He has just brainwashed people like Takemura into thinking he's a real Emporer and they are his Samurai. Takemura needs to leave Arasaka and save his family from them.

I didn't like River at all. I thought his character was developed lazy and tokenizing about the expected desires of females. If you want more women to play video games, you need to take our feedback and make content that is appealing to us. Just saying. It felt like the game was written by men for men. The thing I like the best was the personal and mysterious V and Takemura dynamic, the texts and conversation on the roof were some of the best moments. I liked the more serious, natural Bladerunner vibe rather than the goofy bro vibes in some of the other parts.

Another part I really liked was the Clouds moment where the doll talked about V's fear of death. These are moments that make a good story. That's what cyberpunk is about, it's not about shallow fan service and cool looking cars and futuristic porn just because bros like it, those are supposed to be an element with purpose; to describe a greater theme about the decay of society.
after finishing the game in all 3 life paths in 3 playthroughs, there are some points you may not be aware of which may affect your score.

unfriendlyness towards replayability: (unskippable content)
the sheer amount of unskippable content you must slog through just to get control of your character. there should be an option to just skip the entire act1 once you have finished the game once. it takes waaaay too long to get pass the watson lockdown once you have already been through it a few times... you are pretty much on rails in this part of the story and cant really do anything productive due to the game mechanics. the game is designed so that the beginning of the game is exponentially harder then later in the game and act 1 just locks you there for like 10 hours while half of the time you have no access to your character at all because you are locked in a cutscene or conversation or 3.... when you try to skip conversations you have heard a few times already, you get locked into a bug where skipping conversation is no longer possible which requires a reload to clear up... (yes bug still there as of 1.1)

So basically you want a skip button
You can fast forward through conversations if you so want to
That's on you

You are not on rails and can drag out Watson as long or as short as you wish to.
Its entirely your own choice

EVERY RPG ever made is harder early on because you lack skills and abilities early on.

As for bug,
Wouldn't know, I don't wish to fast forward through conversations so not a bug I will ever encounter

unable to loot: (floor geometry collision problem)
even tho it's an RPG, it plays alot like a looter shooter. and for the more OCD among us, not being able to loot (even if it was just a piece of junk that you can break down into components) drives me insane sometimes. anything dropped in the badlands, there is a 50% chance it will fall into/near a bush which block your ability to loot that blue/purple/orange item which can mean reload and and do the fight over again hoping the mob wont die near a bush. even in cities, there are plenty of places where you see the loot, but cant pick it up... in one of the mission, the mobs had the audacity to die on a dance floor which means you cant loot any of the corpses since all you do is dance on top of that purple gun you needed for an upgrade... and now, as of 1.1 with fixed loot, you REALLY need to check that piece of loot to see if it rolled with the right socket or not. who cares if it ozob's turd colored hotpants, as long as it's got those 3 mod slots.... commander shepard never had that problem...

The items on floor is such a minor and completely inconsequence bug its beyond nitpicking to even bring up
What maybe 20 - 30 trash items cant be picked up in the entire City
And yeah, I think maybe 10 items in badlands dropped I couldn't pick up
Annoying yes,
so drop by the correct forum and make a one off post about it
Its not a major deal worth spamming in a review
I really didn't need that green loot that badly anyways
Somehow I think every one will survive that
NEVER was not able to pick up a purple or orange or red item even once in game.
Maybe game just doesn't like you?

everyone is locked into the tech tree (weapon upgrade cost)
unless you cheat and dupe like crazy, the ONLY way to use the weapon/gear you like / looks good is to spec into tech... with the insane amount of materials required to upgrade a single weapon you like, the ONLY way is to build those 5000 ozob's nose and exploit that 20% freebie build mechanic. it is IMPOSSIBLE to "upgrade" a weapon you like to your current level w/o cheating if you do not spec into the tech tree... there is ONLY 1 exception to this and that is skippy since he upgrades himself to your level. so if you do not spec into the tech tree, you effectively have only 1 usable weapon and that is skippy. iconic weapons? yah forget that, half of them you cant even have since they drop as crafting spec. good luck with getting that comrades hammer for your don't fear the reaper red skull attempt on very hard... and that widowmaker that is 25 levels below your current level... i'm sure you can use that instead of your autoleveled skippy :D it's like what old henry ford said, you can have any color you want as long as it's black...

Meh I don't cheat so I never miss what I don't have
Sounds like the problem is you want one character to be able to do everything, craft everything, be everything
Hey I'm sure there is plenty of cheat mods out there for you to play superman with
be all you can be and then some
I don't play that way and the skill restrictions in CP2077 do not bother me in the least
I focus on a few specific skills for my character and be a master of those

these are pretty much the biggies for me. how you enjoy your game is up to you, but when writing a review, it's good to include some actual feedback instead of constantly blowing smoke up their ***. reviews like that is not productive. I'm not a youtuber, but i still finished the game 3 times (one on each life path and all on very hard difficulity) because i REALLY enjoyed the game. i whole heartedly agree with you that it is a fantastic game, and it really grinds my gear to see those vultures that feeds on the negativity surrounding the game just to get a few more views on youtube.(yah you know who you are) but, just kissing up to CDPR does not help them keep/improve the quality of their game and it just accelerate the devolution of CDPR into something we all loath like EA...

CDPR is one of the few good companies left in the world (along with their neighbor bohemia interactive. yah i saw that easter egg although nobody else mentioned it :D ) we should help them center their thoughts and not get distracted by all the vultures circling them. their thoughts should be centered around bringing 2077 up to the quality that fans are accustomed to by providing useful and good feedback. simply blowing smoke does not help their (nor your) cause. they deserve better from a long term fan.

LOL pretty sure after getting first computer in the mid 80s and being apart of more betas then you can count.
I know how to write a review,
Apparently you don't know how to read one
I said right upfront I feel this game is a Masterpiece RPG that advances the genre
No clue why you think I would follow that up with such minor nitpicking whines as you posted
LOL not productive is the nonsense you went at me with
I love this game and wrote a review that reflected that
Yes I can pick apart areas (and I have in seperate posts that specifically target CDPR devs and my concerns in those areas).
This was NOT one of those posts

If this was some mindless GTA clone my review would have been very very very different in tone and nature
And honestly if they dumbed it down like you want
I would have never finished the game as would have found it way to easy and boring
I have no desire to play a godlike character

Here lets leave it at this

I love this game and my concerns are no TPP and over censorship
You love this game but what it complete changed into something completely different

That about sum it up based on our two posts?

Problem solved
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CD Project indeed rises the story and characters immersion standards for RPG games. Problem is now i cant play another RPG because compared with CP 2077 all characters looking like wood logs :shrug:I thing CD Project the only developer who refers to their games like object of art not only entertaining stuff. Really happy about that.
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Im going to find it, never liked non official mods but willing to make an exception :beer:

LOL I hear you.

Got a buddy thats been bugging me to play Anthem with him and I keep saying I will
but then keep logging onto CP2077.

Did all 6 endings for Corpo
Just started Street Kid on Very Hard setting :D
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Here lets leave it at this

I love this game and my concerns are no TPP and over censorship
You love this game but what it complete changed into something completely different

That about sum it up based on our two posts?

the game is fantastic,

what i tried to point out is that there are major flaws in the overall gameplay which detracts from the "masterpiece" that it could have been. it's like seeing the mona lisa with termite and mildew damage... i never disagreed with the fact that the game is great. but it's far from the impression you are giving to CDPR.

belittling constructive criticism towards CDPR because you yourself does not see it as an issue does not help them in improving the overall gameplay experience they are providing for the entire globe. it would be like me saying all xbox players are whiners because i'm a PC gamer...

not sure why you felt it necessary to point out that you started gaming in the 80's to justify your ability to write a review. but if it makes you feel any better, I too started with C64 and apple IIe. heck i've even played packman and pong on the 2600. does that make me any more or less capable of reviewing a game then someone who cut their teeth on gaming in EQ, WoW or even minecraft? be careful of those red herring fallacies when making a point because it may not come out right.

lets agree to disagree,

even tho we both think the game is great... just remember CDPR did not develop this game for 1 person and there are plenty of people out there who disagree... like sony...
(This is NOT based on any bugs or graphics issues. Solely the game, itself... Also, trying to avoid spoilers, but this IS a review based on multiple play-throughs... TL;DR at the bottom)

What I LOVED - :love:
* Night City, in general: It has the Cyberpunk "feel" to it, that, as an old Cyberpunk RPG player, I was hoping to get. Everything from the music, the tv ADs, the architecture (old and new), the vehicles and the general populace "look". It was definitely a nice environment that was fun to be a part of.

* Judy and Panam: Judy and Panam are pretty well thought out. The voice acting and the design were enough that I felt empathy for their characters beyond any others in the game. They might have their issues and both of their stories had semi-sad endings to them, but I at least FELT that sadness for them.

What I LIKED - (y)
* The overall character mechanics: The skills, the perks, the leveling of both the character, the skills and Street Cred. The weapon types were generally fun to work with, though I know there is room for improvement with ALL of the Cyberware weapons (monowire functionality, gorrila arms door opening, mantis-blades vs. generic melee weapon usage, projectile targetting).

* The MODEL character creation: Again, a little room for improvement in options, but with the right combinations the character appeared pretty slick or badass, depending...

*Other characters: Delamain, Jackie (even though his intro in the Nomad and Streetkid lifepaths leave a LOT to be desired... ), River, Wakako all stand out as being characters that I spent enough time with that I remember them and think, "Yeah, they were pretty well thought out and fun to interact with." (Apart from Jackie's "storyline", but I'll get to that... )

What I DID NOT LIKE - :(
*That I could not go back to Night City, in any ending, and "continue" my "legend": The only option is to play from before the "point of no return" save. The "gift" items you get for continuing are negligible, IMHO, and I'd rather have an ultra-nice apt I could actually call home permanently rather than temporarily.

*That I am railroaded through the main gig: I initially got the impression that this was going to be more open and choices would affect the outcome. The reality was that choices I made might allow me different VERSIONS of the outcome, but the main outcome is the same regardless of what I say or do if I want to at least have a better ending than just sidling up with the Grim Reaper right away.

*The general populace is "dumb": Not an opinion, just meaning generally they are either meandering on the sidewalks or in the streets (cars just sitting there in front of an open road with nothing blocking them but plenty of cars behind them) and minutes after the violence is ended they are still standing there, not running away, or they're cowering, BLOCKS away. The "F" to talk isn't even available so you can at least say, "You're free to go" or "It's all over, you're okay". Once in a blue moon a "victim" will react and on an even "bluer" moon they'll even say "Thank you" to you.

(I won't say "HATE" because if I hated something I'd have stopped playing the game at that point. This is the stuff that I never want to see again if there's a future Cyberpunk 2077 game)

* JOHNNY SILVERHAND: There is a list of things pertaining to this character I didn't like:
1. His character - He complains, he bemoans your choices and even when he seems to change in the main quest, he still has the same bratty complaints about your choices in side gigs. I love Keanu Reeves, but hearing his voice in this character is depressing because JS, in my opinion, is all the worst characteristics of a "Legend". He doesn't even really qualify as an "Anti-hero", to me, because of how random his opinions are, sometimes.
2. His involvement in the main quest - I would MUCH more have preferred him being an actual character than someone stuck in my brain.
3. He's not the kind of person I was envisioning at ALL during the previews - Certainly not a character I would have expected Keanu Reeves to do the voice acting for. - It's like getting Fred Rogers to play a bad guy. I just don't see it. I expect that could have been an intentional misleading of the previews, just as a "gotcha", but if you had had someone who's played more than one kind-of-anti-hero (John Wick) as the persona, I might have been a little more accepting that the "Legend" was also kind of obnoxious, to say the least...
He's also not the kind of person I expected to play Metal music... Kerry, POSSIBLY, but not JS with Keanu's voice.

* The main goal of the main story-arc: Getting the chip out of my head should have been a side-gig instead of the main quest. The main story should have been deciding which "faction" of Arasaka, if any, you were going to side with and go with that.
1. Side with Yorinobu and take out anyone else who knows or suspects his killing his father.
2. SIde with Hanako (and Takemura) and be her "problem solver".
3. Take NEITHER side and spread word about the biochip to all the journalists and wait for Yorinobu and/or Hanako to come after you.
This is more what my old RPG days tell me would be a good story arc. As it is, this story is more about Johnny Silverhand than V.
You cant:
A. NOT put the biochip in your head
B. Avoid being shot in the head and instead shoot both the man and his bodyguard.
C. Keep taking blockers to keep Johnny out of your head for the entire game. Essentially, V's just the carrier for "the real main character" because...

*...There's too much playing "As Johnny Silverhand": I don't mind a flashback, but why do I have to decide what Johnny Silverhand says/does in any scene? It's not like it changes anything in the present. Even if it did, V is already being railroaded into having Johnny either take over V's body or hitting the road with Alt beyond the black wall and you supposedly having only 6 months to live.
A few flashbacks are all I need, not full blown story cells where I'm not playing my own character.

TL;DR - Loved this game but would love it more if anything pertaining to Johnny Silverhand were removed, completely, from Cyberpunk 2077. Otherwise, the game can be pretty fun, reminiscent of the Cyberpunk RPG but needs more feeling that the decisions I make actually seem like they're steering the end result.
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