Cyberpunk artworks gallery

You can't say, "Boob" here, Wisdom. You mad fool.

OBVIOUSLY, the proper description should have been, "Secondary Sexual Characteristic Viewports".

Decorum. Is your pancreas juice overflowing again? Time to open the valve!

Anyone see this on DA yet?

By this guy:
Boob Windows, limited visibility, and limited neck mobility.... and a bunch of geegaws that don't look like they do much of anything other than add weight.... the artist is talented, but the armor is impractical from every standpoint...

The title is 'Pilot', so she operates something and presumably the suit helps her interface with whatever vehicle it may be. Of course I'd get rid of the boob window if it were meant to be actual armor, and no matter what I'd change the visor. It has a real world, low tech style to it though. What I don't want are the bulky nano suits from Crysis or the 200 lb armors seen in Mass Effect. I like this example because it looks like an evolution, not the perfect technology.
Yeah, I agree with the work-on-progress bit. Reminiscent of Dead Space, a bit. Utilitarian.

This probably won't happen in CP2077 and I can't say I blame them for leaving out such a huge undertaking, but it would make Techies vastly more cool if they could build their own armours.

Or anyone with appropriate skills - Techs can just whip them up on the spot and have them last their Jury Rig x 10 in minutes, for example.
Cleavage Exposure Portal....


It only really works for Power Girl, and the feminists bitch enough about her as it is....

My Little Cyberpony: Edgerunning is magic.

And now, for some boob euphemsisms.

Milkular transducers

Flesh Teardrops

Sagging Suaveness
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