Cyberware limbs should add attributes specifically for skill checks.

The cyberware limbs in their current state is underwhelming, they could be so much more and should be.

These are the changes that should be considered in order to make them more interesting to have equipped and used in game.

Monowire-should add +1 to hacking checks. And allow for the ability to hack access points from a distance if line of sight exists.

Mantis blades should add +1 to reflex checks and allow user to cut through barriers that have a strength if reflex attribute is +2 points higher.

Gorrilla arms should reduce the attribute demand for strength checks by 1, and allow user to open doors with a tech requirement if strength attribute is 2 points higher.

Rocket arm should increase strength checks by 2, and allow user to destroy strength check doors and tech check doors reflex attribute is at least 3 points higher.

These would all increase by +1 to a maximum of +3 at legendary, with the over stat requirement reducing by 1 so at legendary if you have the correct limb it will require equal stat requirement to open doors, but rocket would still be +1.
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