Daily Quest gain/reset have been acting oddly. Cannot reproduce and has happened 2 or 3 times.

So I just started playing within this week and I've had the daily reset bug out on me at least twice, (possibly three but I can't recall what happened).
For reference I think I'm on day 5 of starting Gwent, and these errors happened before the Iron Judgement patch so I'm not sure if they were fixed or not.

Day 1
I got the daily quest like 2 or 3 hours before the daily reset (time read something like 2h 53m). As I was brand new, I wasn't aware of the separate times for quest and quest reset. But was told that it should have popped an hour before reset.

Day 3?
I got my quest as normal, an hour before reset. I logged off. Then I logged back in 3 hours later (2 hours after reset). The quest had vanished and changed to another quest and I lost my reset/refresh for the day. I had not used the refresh as I was logging exactly to do so.
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