Deadly dialogs and fails in TW3?

Eh, it has to be done right. I have such difficulty believing when games force plot-armor or plot-death onto me. I am supposed to believe that Geralt or any protagonist is capable of defeating numerous enemies and tremendous odds, but then all the sudden I am killed by a few scrubby guards because I said something they didn't like. Which is it, I am capable of defending myself or am I not? Because suspension of disbelief is the most valuable currency in video games and if you start contradicting yourself with plot-armor or plot-death then it feels like bullshit to me and I immediately lose interest.
Because suspension of disbelief is the most valuable currency in video games and if you start contradicting yourself with plot-armor or plot-death then it feels like bullshit to me and I immediately lose interest.

Can't even express how much I agree with this
Which is it, I am capable of defending myself or am I not? .

Yes, but life is sprinkled with unexpected accidents and surprises. Even for heroes and antiheroes

Eh, it has to be done right. I have such difficulty believing when games force plot-armor or plot-death onto me. I am supposed to believe that Geralt or any protagonist is capable of defeating numerous enemies and tremendous odds, but then all the sudden I am killed by a few scrubby guards because I said something they didn't like. Which is it, I am capable of defending myself or am I not? Because suspension of disbelief is the most valuable currency in video games and if you start contradicting yourself with plot-armor or plot-death then it feels like bullshit to me and I immediately lose interest.

Well it's both. In the beginning of the game, a few scrubby guards really can take you out. I've always thought TW2 emphasized you aren't playing an invulnerable bad ass.
You should walk with sword in hands for a while. Or kill guards. Sometimes I had a dialog with guard, where he ask you to stop it, if you refuse - they kill Geralt.

First post miss some other scenes such as:
Dragon shakes off Geralt from back, scene with Loredo as Dragonbird mentioned, and kaedweni camp, where Roche and Geralt were caught while escaping. Sneaking fail in Kaedweni camp looks similar to flotsam situation with guards if I remember correctly.

Насчёт первого Ведьмака, так это вообще очень классно, что они добавили столько разных мелочей в игру. Жаль только, что нельзя выжить в этом бою с Азаром. Могли бы сделать дальнейшую встречу с ним на болотах, а не просто убивать Геральта.

Блин, мне в голову не приходило вынимать меч из ножен в городе. Тоже надо будет попробовать. После чтения книг и многоразового прохождения 1 игры уже четко представляешь, что Геральт может, а что не может сделать, и действуешь соответственно. Реплики в диалогах, которые "неправильные", с ходу отметаются.

По поводу битвы с Азаром, наверное, логика разработчиков была такая, что это наказание Геральту за наглость.
From the FCR manual - a quote from the books.
“I know him. He’ll get confused, lost in his own philosophising
and wallow in self-pity. He’ll vent his anger and hack at
anyone and anything he comes across. Then, in expiation,
he’ll do some grand but pointless deed. In the end he’ll be
slain, stupidly and needlesly, with just a stab in the back...”

Yennefer of Vengerberg

And of course this is essentially what *did* happen, at the end of the book stories.
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That is the most depressing collection of gifs for a truly Geralt fan..~ :[ esp. when he is stabbed several times by a nilfgaardian.
Eh, it has to be done right. I have such difficulty believing when games force plot-armor or plot-death onto me. I am supposed to believe that Geralt or any protagonist is capable of defeating numerous enemies and tremendous odds, but then all the sudden I am killed by a few scrubby guards because I said something they didn't like. Which is it, I am capable of defending myself or am I not? Because suspension of disbelief is the most valuable currency in video games and if you start contradicting yourself with plot-armor or plot-death then it feels like bullshit to me and I immediately lose interest.
Well in most cases he gets killed by 5 or more arrows. Although Witchers are said to be capable of parrying arrows, I don't think they can parry more than 2 at a time. In another case in the dungeon at the end of the game, his hands are tied behind his back and that's why he gets stabbed in the chest by a simple gaurd. And for the rest of them you have to really work hard to get him killed or hanged, especially in the fist fighting sequences. To think about it I did not get defeated even once in the fist fights and that includes the Kin Ziggy's tournament.
Fistfighting is very hard to fail in TW2, each rival does not differ from the others. I hope CDPR change it for TW3. :hope:

Well in most cases he gets killed by 5 or more arrows. Although Witchers are said to be capable of parrying arrows, I don't think they can parry more than 2 at a time.
Indeed. lol
And then in the air, arrows whistled. Some of them stuck into the side of the ferry, some flew higher and splashed into the water. Two flew straight at Dandelion, but the witcher already with his sword in hand, jumped and with two quick blows, deflected the arrows.
‘By the Great Sun,’ Cahir gasped. ‘He deflected them… Two arrows! Incredible! I have never seen anything like it…’
‘And you’ll not see it again! This was the first time in my life I was able to deflect two! Hide behind the side!’

Baptism of Fire

Fistfighting is very hard to fail in TW2, each rival does not differ from the others. I hope CDPR change it for TW3. :hope:
I agree, hope this too. Rivals have more or less the same QTE minigame... But it was a easy way to make money at least. :p
I loved the dialog deaths. I had no idea that so many existed. W3 will be a bigger game, so perhaps it'll need some more :p It differs with that 'always safe' thing that most RPGs have. Geralt is a badass, but that way you understand that you face either other badasses, or overwhelming odds. He was stabbed by a farmer anyway, so anything with more power or training has a bit more chances of killing him. I like the balance of " you must be careful of what you say and who you challenge" with "don't feel like a pushover, you are a frakking witcher". First time I understood how a wrong word can turn a dangerous situation to simple death was in Fallout 2 and I've missed it a lot since then.
Well in most cases he gets killed by 5 or more arrows. Although Witchers are said to be capable of parrying arrows, I don't think they can parry more than 2 at a time. In another case in the dungeon at the end of the game, his hands are tied behind his back and that's why he gets stabbed in the chest by a simple gaurd. And for the rest of them you have to really work hard to get him killed or hanged, especially in the fist fighting sequences. To think about it I did not get defeated even once in the fist fights and that includes the Kin Ziggy's tournament.

Interestingly, if you take a fall for Ziggy in his tournament you don't die, but you do fail the quest and look like a fool. I'm glad they put in that option.
I sort of did on my first Insane run. I chose that dialogue option, and I realized what was gonna happen. I then reloaded to the previous save, and got killed by the Arachas. :( So that dialogue option indirectly killed me.

How did you reload to the previous save on insane? When you die on Insane all your saves get wiped out.
I actually really liked this in Witcher 2. Most games let you be a rude arsehole to everyone you meet with no consequences. In Witcher 2 you can be rude to Roache and Iorveth, but there is only so much of your crap they will take. It definitely adds another layer to choice and consequence, and grounds the world quite a bit.

That said, I really hope they do away with quick time events all together, so I guess I would say I hope deaths related to those are not in the next game.
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