Dear Mr Pondsmith

Dear Mr Pondsmith

I do not even know if you will read this, but it seems to me a good place to post it.

I want to thank you and the whole team of Talsorian for all the fun, the endless gaming evenings, the petty arguments about rules, and the entertainment provided by your Cyberpunk line. I was in my 20's at that time, and I still remember those games.

And I truly hope that CDPR is up to the challenge (courage, les gars :) ).

So, thanks again.
From France.
Ya, thanks Mike! (;

Also, if I send you my old, tore and coffee stained 2020 rule book will you autograph it then send it back to me? PLEASE!
I really have to add my voice to this, Mr. Pondsmith. Your game has given me and hopefully my gaming group, too tons of fun and it has impacted on my way of gamemastering quite a bit. I am really looking forward to the new videogame and hopefully upcoming pen-and-paper version, too.
Countless hours of fun, not just by playing the stories, but also by planning them! Foreseeing what the players will say when they experience the situations that have been planned to torture th... eemm to check if they can survive =P

Thanks for all that time and all the memories.
Mike, you know the dedication, devotion, and sheer verge of insanity obsession I have given your game....

Words cannot express my gratitude for the game you have created with anywhere near the volume or clarity of voice that my site does for my love of your game.

It's widely known that my biggest dream, since 1990, is to write or other wise work for you... but even if that never happens, understand that the entertainment, the quality of my gaming life, and many of the friends I have made over the years I owe, in large part, to you.

Thanks Mike....

Mr Pondsmith From the deepest part of myself thank you for this game. I met my best friends and had some of my best experiences over the table playing this game it got me out of a rather dark and lonely time.

Three years ago after a long absence, I started running a regular game with a group of new players who had never played cyberpunk. Most of the players had never even herd of cyberpunk 2020 most were in elementy school when I started playing. it still is going on to this day. the announcement of a video game based on my favoret game universe filled me with joy, and if the rumors of a new pnp version are true that would be wonderful.

Thank you sir
This obsequis..obseq...fuckit. YOUR ASSKISSING DISGUSTS ME.

It's "cyberpunk". Punks. A polite "thank-you" is...probably too much. A grunt and a nod. Maaaybe. If you do that upward squersh with your lips that indicates a grudging approval, MAY be. Clearing your hands well away from any holsters as a gesture of respect...sure.

Putting your hand right ON your pistol as a gesture of sincere respect, absolutely. If you have them, even popping rippers quickly is fine. Just keep them clear of the man's hands and eyes - he needs to write.

But that's it! I swear. I thought Americans were rude. You're letting me down.


I do not know what your poison is, but I'm pretty sure it's something very effective and addictive (and black marketed).

In our self-sufficient arcologies, we do still have some social behaviour and do not claim a legacy from over-rated baboons.
Display of teeth and measurement of penis is definitly something you uncivilized barbarous street scum should try to unlearn, just in case you would like a position among us (but I'm pretty sure you do not care about : be reassured, we do not either, sewers being not exactly our definition of "home").
Please, do not forget to take care of the dead rat you call lunch when you leave ...

Kind regards,
Ono Sendai, 7th
Merril, Akasuka and Finch
Crystal Palace
Low Earth Orbit
^%^&(%! *7^^%%$!!!

&^*%! Corp:

Q: How do you tell the difference between a dead rat and a dead Corporate?
A: That rat had friends, man. Show some respect.

Q: What do you have when you've buried a Corporate in cement up to his neck?
A: A burning need for more cement.

Q. What do you call it when the Crystal Palace falls out of the sky?
A. Skeet.

Q. How do you tell the difference between a Corp and trampoline?
A. You take your boots off before jumping on a trampoline.

Q. Do you know how to save a drowning Corporate?
A. Who cares?

Better down here in the sewers than up there with the filth. See you on the dark side, Corporate.
You're waving your big credit stick at me like that, choomba, I'm gonna think I need some Enhanced Antibodies. That nano costs!
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