Decided to quit

Seen from an experienced player with a large card pool, the less randomness, the better, is true. But new/casual players will stop playing if a game is to skill intensive and if a game can only retain the most skilled players it will slowly die.

I have been playing a couple of weeks now, and the first week I was climbing the ladder, but now I'm stock at level 9, meeting decks that have good synergies while mine are just beefed up stater decks. I don't mind loosing games, I understand that I'm new at this game, but not being able to complete daily quests is frustrating.

I fear that @Metales1949 are right that it is gg for Gwent when the next expansion for Hearthstone comes out, and I don't want to invest either money nor time building a collection thinking that.
I know I am late to the discussion but I just want to add if anyone's still reading, the winter update has really changed Gwent a lot. I used to not care about it but the more I think about, the more I realize how Gwent has changed to the point it is pretty much unplayable to newcomers.

I started playing Gwent around October last year and started with Eredin frost starter deck. I was lucky to get Iris and Jotunn in first few kegs so built a deck of that archetype with what I could muster and reached rank 19, then milled all cards and built a Brouver weather movement once got beaten badly by such deck and reached rank 20 the first season. Back then rank 20 was at 4250 mmr. And I got Ivoreth avatar that season for reaching rank 20. Felt rewarded and felt good.

Now, with the current state of the game, none of the starter decks are remotely close to being playable. All the viable and popular decks are expensive to build. It seems like the only option for a newcomer is to look up a GM deck and mill all cards to build one if he/she wants to rank high. I hope CDPR is taking notes on what cards should be included for a starter deck to encourage newcomers to play and improve.

Edit: I miss those weather decks.
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And yet, Henselt is currently doing extremely well.

The reason why Movement ST is struggling is probably not because it's an engine deck.
I think the main problem is that this archetypes still lacks cards to support it. Even before NG Alchemy that archetype was struggling.
I have to agree and disagree. Movement ST brought me to rank 20 when I first started playing as a newcomer, so I don't think it was struggling. However, it started declining when Gwent introduced new cards such as maidens and slyzards that play a card from the deck. And I recall that was sometime November last year, then came the winter update. I agree though the archetype lacks cards to support. WItcher vipers are fine as they do. They are not the problem that Movement ST or an engine deck isn't competitive.
Relative to the starting decks, maybe. However, in the end, all decks cost about the same with 4 gold, 6 silver and 15 bronze cards.
Yes that's true, however, the scrap price for uncommon and common bronzes are significantly different. If you want to build a NG Alchemy or Soldier swarm deck, all of the bronze cards are uncommon (esp. the essential ones that define the archetype) which cost 80 scraps each. That is expensive when you are a starter player.
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