Deck Builder, Recipies, and other deck ideas? (Ideas: post here)

Deck Builder, Recipies, and other deck ideas? (Ideas: post here)

Okay, so something I learned when playing The Witcher 3 is that apparently I'm bad at making decks. I would end up having WAY more cards then I should have for example. But this got me thinking: I'm not much of one for building a deck. It takes a lot of effort to make a good deck. So I thought to myself "What ideas can be done to make deck building easeir as a whole?"

A couple I thought of was to have a Deck Builder make you a type of deck according to your spcifications. Let's say you want to make a weather based deck for Monsters. You ask it to bound around whether cards you own and it does so. Simple.

Another thought that crossed my mind in regards to a post about Factions is a type of Deck Recipe idea, where you can get a list of card revolving around a specific cast of related characters or the like. This one is mostly for flavor (Although it would also play like the characters) but it would be interesting. For example, you can set up Foltest as your leader and have a recipice for cards based around Temeria and seiges. Or maybe you play monsters and want something Gaunter O'diim related, a faustien bargin type deck with high risk.

If you have any other ideas on how to make it easy and simple to make decks, post them here!
KingBlackToof best gwent youtuber we have he has lots of videos some of which is him playing games for real gwent with real cards he talks alot about decks and cards. Always run just 22 troops and maybe 3-5 special cards you decks with low amount of cards so you will get beter draws has a list of cards as well.
To be honest Gwent in Witcher 3 is very basic in terms of deck building, once you get all the cards each faction has one, best kind of deck. The reason behind this is simple: Gwent was designed in such a way that as you progress your way through the game, you get better cards meaning some cards are better than the others. That should NEVER be the case with properly balanced card game, all cards should be somewhat similar in terms of their raw power and just have different uses depending on the circumstances. To give you an example, Mysterious Elf card is COMPLETELY broken and should be present in every deck. Such is the case for many different cards.

Generally, you should aim for 22 unit cards and not one more because in Gwent you will never draw all cards from your deck. Because of that, it is best to get 22 most "OP" cards.

As an example, best Temeria deck is in my opinion the following: All siege cards (catapults, balistats and whatnot) + all spy cards + dandelion with villentretenmerth and all strongest heroes. As for special cards, you can go for like 2 frost, 1 horn, 3 fog, 2 dummies and 2 scorch.

Again, deck building in Gwent is basically non existant but obviously that will change with the stand alone which I am pretty sure will be much more complex and balanced very differently this time around.
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It can be seen from gameplay footage that the deck possibilities are expanded on vastly. Additions like Weatherbound and changes to Spy mechanics may allow a deck to be far larger than what was present in TW3.

In TW3 we see that spys are broken (Draw your deck and pass R1 followed by overwhelming your opponent on 2 and 3), but with changes to the mechanics it paves the way for new archtypes. The Wild Hunt deck that is often seen from gameplay footage of the Devs shows that cards will be able to be summoned through means that are easily attainable (Playing Biting frost cards namely). These decks can be made to be consistent with a larger number of cards, as you could add numerous biting frost effects to you deck through minions as well as special cards like the actual Biting frost and the monster specific Pick one Fog or Frost card. In the event that you play a weatherbound deck, you would need a high chance of drawing into a weather effect as well as to mulligan away cards that are played by meeting a condition (Play X card to the field from your deck) which can be seen from multiple cards in the Wild Hunt deck.

The changes to spy mechanics leads to the idea of being able to cycle cards (Effectively making your deck smaller for more consistent plays, generating nearly the same result each game) or to draw from your deck with a downside (Give your opponent a card). This allows for meta calls, which would change the deck and add a dimension to deck building, as well as balancing the power level of decks, which generates room for new decks to compete with the old style.

Specific deck ideas seem to be shrouded right now, as many cards have yet to be released or deciphered by the community, but I have faith that decks will have a larger level of diversity that couldn't be seen due to the reasons Devizz mentioned.
I think Gwent should have rules over "heroes" card per deck and min~max number of cards.

My suggestion:

Min: 25 cards // 22 troops
Max: 40 cards // 4 Heroes

How heroes card should work:

Max 10% of the deck can be a Heroes cards. 25~29 Cards = 2 Heroes, 30~39 Cards = 3 Heroes, 40 Cards = 4 Heroes.

* That's my 2 cents on how Heroes cards and Decks should be defined.
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I think Gwent should have rules over "heroes" card per deck and min~max number of cards.

My suggestion:

Min: 25 cards // 22 troops
Max: 40 cards // 4 Heroes

How heroes card should work:

Max 10% of the deck can be a Heroes cards. 25~29 Cards = 2 Heroes, 30~39 Cards = 3 Heroes, 40 Cards = 4 Heroes.

* That's my 2 cents on how Heroes cards and Decks should be defined.

There is a cap for Hero (4)and character (6) cards already and you can have a deck made only of troop cards (min 12)
So I will be speaking about the standalone game, since there you have a bit different rules:

1. Basic Strategy (as a start):

A basic strategy deck, is as the name says basic, with no real strengths but also no weakness and a good start!

You want to maximize the chances of drawing your best cards, therefore you should follow these rules:

Play 4 heroes (Maximum you are allowed, these are the best cards).
Play 6 Characters (Maximum you are allowed, 2nd best cards)
Play 4*3 Troops (4 kind of troops each 3 times (maximum allowed).

Play 0-4 Special cards (if you draw to many you have not enough power/ they need creatures to interract with)

Play at most 4 cards which depends on having a lot/strong (other) creatures. (To minimize chance to draw to many of them).
Play at most 4 cards you do not want to draw. (Like cards which can be searched by other cards from the deck).

Play 0 cards which need a certain other card to be useful. (Like 2 card "combos").

Do play cards which are in different rows (not only siege cards, since else you lose, when there is a rain card).
Do play cards which have different strength (you do not want to lose 3+ cards when the enemy has a Scourch).

Play the cards which have IN AVERAGE the highest power gain. (Counting the strength it has on its own and the strength it gives to others + the strength the enemies creatures might lose).

Compare cards against their "base" cards! (The base Troop has 8 strength, the base Character 12 and the base hero 15, you should beat that with your cards (in your deck) if you dont, play these base cards!)

Play and switch out cards, which do not work ;) This is really important! Even the best magic players in the world cannot just make a deck. They make a first version and test and adjust it!

2. Synergies:

A Synergy deck is a deck which is still mostly basic, (with cards which work mostly on their own), but it has some cards in there, which work good together.

After having some experience with the basic strategies, you may have remarked, that simply taking "the strongest" cards will not always be enough. (Although I am quite sure with only the basic strategy the deck would be not to bad!)

So why start with Synergies or "Combos" only now as point 2? Well because most people try too much to do combos etc. and end with decks with tooo many gimmicks. (Too many "If I have this card and this card and the enemy not that card, I wil win!).

Therefore, it is important to first start with a basic deck and learn a bit what works and what not, and what your deck needs to be able to beat! (If your deck with Synergies is worse than the basic deck, there is no point playing it).

Take the deck you have built in 1. What are your favorite cards in this deck? Lets say your favorite 3-6 cards.
Take this 3-6 cards and say "they are fixed".
Take the next 3-4 cards (according to your preference). Are they good on their own? Do they work good with the fixed cards? Do they do similar things as the fixed cards?

1-2 answers should be yes (and no clear NO!!), else you should not play these cards.

The next 3-4 cards should fulfil if possible 2 of the points above.

After that try to find for each remaining card a card, which fulfills the criteria better, all this while still trying to fulfill (more or less) the rules for the basic deck above. (if there are no more cards which have synergies, just try to take the strongest cards remaining.) Cards include the leader card!

You now should have a deck which does not have a strong clear theme, but somewhat the cards work together a bit. It has more power than the basic deck (it should have!!) but has most likely also a stronger weakness.

You should also look at points 4 "additional cards" after having played a bit with this deck!

3. Combos:

A combo deck is a deck with a clear plan a clear strategy. It has the most potential but also at least one heavy weaknes!

This deck will be more "focused" then the Synergy deck, but having seen the Synergy deck you know a bit better what works together etc.

Pick your favorite 3-4 cards (which have similar effects!). This is your core strategy.
Search for 3-4 cards which have also a similar effect. The extend the core strategy.

Search the 6-7 cards working BEST together with the cards allready in your deck.
Search 3-5 cards which work ok together with the cards allready in the deck (favorable with all).

Which cards, will destroy your deck? (so called hate) Ad 2-4 cards protecting you from these cards!
Some of these cards can also be "baits" cards, which are quite strong, and be handled by the same "hate" cards as your core strategy.

Add to the deck some "stall" cards (cards helping you to let the enemy waste his cards, like spies etc. during the round you do not want to win).

If there is still space, add the strongest possible cards you still can. (You should always play 4 heroes and 6 characters! and if possible only 22 creatures and 0-4 special cards) These cards should still work together with the rest of your deck if possible, at least a bit.

4. Additional Cards

In most cases, there are some cards in the decks, which are not 100% necessarily (1-3).
These cards can be filled with protection against hate (see above) or on the other hand "hate" itself.
Is there some deck you have problems beating?
Is there some card which helps a lot against this deck? Now would be the time to add it.

These kind of cards really depend on what enemies are playing. You do not need protection against plague, if no one plays it! And if no one plays heavy siege, you do not realy need rain.

Try here if possible to play cards, which can help against different decks! (Rather a card which can grant frost and fog instead of only fog etc.)

I hope this helps.
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