Deck uploading issue

Hello, I'm having issues with publishing my deck. I make a bunch of edits to a draft deck guide, hit publish and nothing happens. The deck stays in my deck list as a draft and deletes (fails to save really) all my edits. I've tried this from PC and from my iPhone to the same results.

This is frustrating since I've made the same updates 4 times. It's gotten to the point where I know that playgwent wont save my edits and I always have to copy my deck guide into a Word file for safe keeping. I know that the site will fail to save my updated notes and leave me with a blank guide.

Can a mod please help me understand what I'm doing wrong? I cannot publish my deck no mater what I try and it's left me feeling like playgwent is an unreliable place to store my deck guides. Thank you.
Same issue, cant save and publish decks anymore - always resets to the default after exporting thelist out of the gwent client.
I tried different browsers, with/without adblock, and so on.. nothing helps.
the new deck is shown as "draft", but I can not save any changes or add a guide.


Forum veteran
I've had similar problems, and on two occasions i lost the deck and had to rewrite the long guide again. So i saved the text on notepad files too.

But i think i figured out why that was happening to me sometimes: i was using a numerical system, like the following:

The writing system in the deckbuilder was auto-formatting it, so the next number appeared when i pressed enter.
Well, i stopped using this format and i no longer had trouble.
Also if i really want, i can use
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