Delamain as the romance option.

If you are not feeling comfortable with the title, please, just leave this thread (and me) be. I mean, just leave.

I’m not people person at all, and find it kinda confusing to write anything there, but when there’s so many talk about relationships' possible upgrades I just can’t give up too, I suppose.

First of all, of course, romances are not the main part nor some game goal at all, I understand. As everyone else, I waited for so long for this game to launch and, despite all the odds and problems, I’m enjoying my stay in Night City. Well, as far as you can use the word “enjoy” when it comes to dying. But you got it, I hope.
I truly believe that CP77 will definitely become more and more polished, filled and deep during nearest future updates or DLCs, so I just leave all and every technical issue behind this post. For now I tried only to dive in my Vs character as personal as I can afford myself to, and have found rather… dark and pressing world. No, I’m okay with drama, well, as it has been said already, “We invent tragedies ourselves to fill our empty life”, and I feel grateful for this opportunity. But diving through dark spaces you feel that... well, that nearly sanctified need to fulfill the emptiness around. Inside. To find some peace in understanding, in trust, in a new perspective. V (we) without doubt needs it too. Or perhaps with, but in the end it doesn’t really matter. As I said, I’m not much for pep talk nor understanding. As a person on that side of the TV I like in-game human characters, really, but I don’t trust them a bit. V (and we). I’m enjoying all the quests (even if I believe that an option to abandon some of them should be implemented in future), but the world around my V is… hollow. Longing. Not cuz of a story problems of course, but for some simple emotions. The main plot has been created in a way that each time you run for a side job, you feel as your life becomes shorter and shorter. You feel that sand is just passing through your fingers, and you have to take it. I found it amazing, even thrilling in some way, but very. Very pressing. Hollowing. Desaturating. And diving deeper in my (Vs?) mind, world, condition, I feel that emptiness become overwhelmingly strong.

It could sound silly strange or something, but the only person who gave me some light was Delamain. Maybe cuz of my trying to feel as futuristic as I can, with the dark and consuming world, where all the major moral pillars of humanity have already been mutated. Changed. Disgraced. Maybe the leading characters just aren’t my cup of tea and that’s it. I don’t know. But what I know for sure, what see like crystal clear – it is this necessity of helping hand.
Prolly you now how it feels. That’s only my feelings inside character, not a review to be agreed or disagreed with. Been a simple even plain soul, with some childish thrill for respect, with presumably primitive desires to be someone, not just nobody. Knowing little but how to survive in the big monsta' world, how to bite and hurt, to reap n beat. Just like a cliché, living and breathing, representing solo an abstract human longing for post mortem value. And at the very beginning it all goes to hell. I feel fcked up. My abilities to trust or believe have been minimized even more. I need to focus on some gigs, some thefts, murders, some simple work to get rid even for a second of that ugly self-destructive feeling of a total incapability. I take that illusion open-minded, meh, trying to understand the others, even help while I can. And it goes just as usual. They take all for granted, call you like you are a goddamn hot line ambulance. They treat you like shit if you can’t be near them the same exact moment. They don’t give a damn thought what is it to you. They just want you to do their work, but for free and with your mouth shut. In my humble opinion for me trust – it works a bit different. Help too. Friendship also. So, it’s not about personal emotional strings with my social acquaintances, just work and some simple willing to help the others to have a better life than my own. Well, it’s unsettling. And I know that complete loneliness could only drive me mad. Not even sad, but mad. I need a new… I dunno, maybe a new perspective. Need it badly. To reinterpret, to gain a whole different look on all of that – feelings, life, world, my dying after all. Not a human one, I suppose.
Ya’know, I’m a bike-breathing girl, but I keep driving that taxi just to hear some short conversations with Del. With the way that he has been represented, with all his attempts to understand a human nature, I feel that there is a path to go. Even if just for some new strings in dialog, even if just for a possibility to actually communicate, not just hearing my sorry crispy replies from the perspective of a listener or watcher.

I understand that it’s all just the same sand on your hands, that there’s no such thing like some magic “table of requests” of sorts, but can’t just leave it unsaid. And as there are so many people talking about an evolution of romances, relationship and even simple interactions with in-game characters, I hope, that Delamain would be on the list too.
I apologize for my English, if it hurts anyone in any way.

Sincerely yours,
Whoa, I really like the thoughtfulness of your post. When I first read the title I thought maybe you were joking or making fun of those of us requesting some more choices and depth in our romance, but obviously I was wrong.

I agree about the sense of loneliness that the game (and end) gives you, and I think that's absolutely intentional, but as someone who wants to treat V's last few weeks on earth as precious, I agree that we should get to share them with someone we can have important, close moments with. Moments that are more then just a quest or physical, but actual conversation and making sense of what's happening to us. After Jackie, we don't have much of that closeness in the game.

I'm not sure how or if they would create a romance with Delamain, but a fleshed-out friendship could be very interesting. I like Delamain a lot. :)
I… It’s very comforting to hear, really. I was afraid of quite the same thing – that all these words and thoughts would have been taken as a joke or driven into some. I thank you for your reply and understanding.
Yes, I agree that the whole darkness around is intended, and it surely played out that way. That world, vision – well, yes, it’s not something completely unnatural, as we always liked to see our future (not only) in a pretty grim colours, don't we? : -) “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting…”, huh. And further it’s up to each of us in particular, to choose a path, a bullet and medicine to deal with all that stuff around.

Maybe “romance” in that exact case isn’t the right word to use, but yes, you feel me just right – it would be a pleasure in having an opportunity to make our relationship with that character wider, deeper and more meaningful. More personal. Cause when it comes to art (like this game and world too) it is all about our own feelings, I suppose. Emotions. And some fading light of understanding, of.. dunno, duality of sorts or just the other mind that can catch you and ease your emotional burden, can teach you something completely new, help you not just live through but evolve, change the perspective, the angle, the layer of perception – it's just what you (sorry, what I) need exactly. Yes, just as you said, especially in the darkest and depressing moments. Especially when we are all alone after Jackie, really. And with Delamain's company I just feel that it's not so senseless after all.

I could be a bit naïve by nature, but well…
…maybe just the life itself comes the same way too. : -)
Cuz in the end we simply need somebody to love just to not hate a whole other world so hard.

And I'll hope that one way or another this would be possible for my V too. On that note, I really should stop mumbling. : -)
Delamain definitely was undersold, so much possibility and all we get to do is basically kill him by destroying or scrambling his brain. And the car we get is a bit underwhelming too - no random conversations or anything?

I really wanted an option where you could save all the Delamains - perhaps upgrading the cars to handle the Child Delamains better or something?

But ultimately it's like we get a glimpse at what could be one of those lifetime friendships, but nope, gotta plot-stomp it.


Forum veteran
I'm all for anything that explores companionship as a non traditional romance option.

There is this idea that we either have friends or lovers, when in reality there are no wrong and right ways to form meaningful relationships and all of us at some stage have probably had those kind of companionships (anyone who has a pet they would probably die for know all too well that feeling).

Even more so, Cyberpunk is a world ripe for exploring those themes. I hope that they do explore it more in the future.
I honestly wondered why my V was so nice to Delemain since he's literally responsible for Jackie's death. I have no idea why my V would call him to rescue me versus Misty, Victor, or, well, those would be it.

Fuck that guy.
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