Developer Stream 04.05.2020

I wouldn't call him a bad player I think he stopped playing regularly after homecoming, he even said that he plays the game the same way he did 3 years ago, which was an entirely different Game.

Well yeah, obviously he chooses not to invest much time and effort into getting better at the game, which is fine.
Why is “being good” or not a relevant metric here? People are complaining because it is not fun to play against (not even fun to play it for that matter), it has ZERO entertainment value as far as I, and a lot of people, are concerned. You might wanna make a game mode that says: “Play a card, then remove a card, then repeat”, I would struggle to understand anyone wanting to play such garbage, yet that is exactly what CDPR are offering us here. Take it as you may, but a game’s primary objective is entertainment, once that is lacking people search for it elsewhere. I’m limited by the amount of time I can spend playing games, and if I have to play against poison decks (double ball being the poster boy for them) most of the time I might as well be throwing my time away.

To me is funny fight against double scenario because I know it's an easy victory.

I feel sorry for you, but I don't see why they should change a deck that is barely T2 and now that many know how to play against it, I would say it is a T3.
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