Did they actually do any major bug fixing with the patch?

That are not in the official patch notes.
I am specifically wanting them to fix level 60 netrunning skill. It has never worked at all, despite the 2.0 skill system change adding it, its useless.
If they were gonna fix anything you would expect them to be prioritising fixing what is essentially a core function of the game. Skills, perks etc.

Thing is these bugs have been reported on the forum here for a long time, there is a list from us all adding bugs to the list so one would expect the time they have been implementing new stuff to the game, they are fully aware of these bugs.

It is a nice touch they nerfed the ambulance mini game high scores though.
Anyone have any insight, is it simple to do now or is it still hard, just not brutally hard?
Since whatever has been done was made by an external company I don't think they will be touching core aspects of the gamy anymore, just cosmetic changes.
While there will probably be more bug fixes here and there, I would imagine we're at that point in the development where most of the bugs that can be fixed have already been fixed.

1.) The source of a bug cannot always be found. If the devs can't reliably recreate the bug, there's no way of knowing which blocks of code, either individually or series of blocks interacting incorrectly, are causing it.

2.) Bugs can be exclusive, meaning fixing one will knowingly cause another, and there's no way to prevent both. It would break too many other things and require too many systems to be rebuilt. Hence, a choice must be made as to which bug stays. (Like a game of Jenga: I can remove either this piece or that piece, but not both. If I take out both, the whole thing will come down.)

3.) Bugs can be caused by 3rd-party software that a studio has no control over. Drivers, OS updates, APIs, firmware, etc. that introduce issues, but there's no way to fix it on the studio end.

4.) They're not bugs in the game itself, typical with modded playthroughs that introduce issues unique to that mod library. Such issues can also arise with playthroughs that have been through multiple updates, resulting in unique data strings that would not normally occur.

As always, if you encounter an issue and can confirm it happens in vanilla -- send it in to CDPR Support. There's no overarching reason more fixes can't appear in the future.
The source of a bug cannot always be found.
I obviously understand. You use a jenga analogy, I always use a whack a mole analogy, hit the mole and another pops up.
But here is the crux, When it comes to core issues, so say that netrunner level 60 skill. They created the skill, created the entire brand new 2.0 system and released it.
So any decent dev would check all the core systems they just created, bug test etc before release, find it all works and release the game. if a bug arises in subsequent patches, fix it or revert the newer change they added.
More importantly like your jenga analogy. The core system they created, if it is bugged and they cannot fix it, they would remove it and change it before releasing the game/update.
Say that specific issue they could have swapped the level 60 skill (see enemies through walls) to a +10 RAM with no issue.
But they didn't do that did they, they released it ALREADY not working, in a buggy state and have NEVER fixed it. Like they didn't bug test it, or most likely didn't even care (because it would take literally 30 mins of 1 persons day to use debug and test every skill in the game from that system to see if they work)

If it was some simple hard to find bug one would understand, but this is a core system.
Imagine like there was a bug in an FPS game where you can never fire your gun....and they released the game, and never fixed it...core system of how the game functions, broken, game released, never fixed.
You would be pretty pissed off right!

We all know how CP released anyway, most of us were pissed. 2.0 really turned the game around but again, core systems broken and now time spent creating some trashy photo mode update. You would think a competent dev would prioritise fixing core systems over adding cosmetic trash to the game that doesn't matter. When every OS the game is played on, console included, already has an innate PRNTSCR key! i.e can already take screenshots!.
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