Did they "fix" Judy in the last update?

I've been using the console command that makes Judy romanceable for male V. You know
for i, v in next, {“judy”} do Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr(v..”_romanceable”, 1) end
Worked very well before, in my last game pre update Judy was really sweet and I don't mean the porn scene, I don't care too much for that, I mean the relation after. However in my current game, nope. I input it three times, in different moments of the game just to make sure. When I get to the swimsuit dialogue, she says "don't go there dude" and I know it's a fail. Rage quit. Now there's only Palmer left to romance :mad:
But back to my question, has someone used successfully the console to romance Judy after 1.6? Maybe I missed something or did something wrong.
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