Did you like what you experienced with CP2077?


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I got bored so I made a stupid poll.

Now before you vote, if you decide to vote at all (which is an option), consider this guideline:

- You played the game for how ever many hours. How did THE GAME feel? Forget the common debacles about ”false advertising”, ”cut content”, ”windshields not breaking like in GTA”, ”not enough blow-/rimjobs from Judy or Panam”, forget all the sidelines and simply answer: While you played the game, did you like the experience? Yes or no. No mixed option, give it a bit of thought and you can measure your overall enjoyment, or the lack thereof.

”No” doesn’t need to mean frothing hatred, and ”yes” doesn’t need to mean unconditional wet love. You might have had fun during your playthrough(s), but still have a sour taste in your mouth after the credits roll; and vice versa.

Also, nobody says ”don’t elaborate your vote”.
No too many crashes and FPS dips , world streaming is ass
and when I was enjoying myself it crashed so no
Perfect, no, but I had a lot of fun and am still playing with nearly 200hrs under my belt. I hard-crashed 3 times and encountered minor (but not game breaking) bugs in that time. Game is gorgeous on the PC. I feel bad for last generation console players but my overall experience on the PC (modern PC) has need great.
Yes, the game felt like an experience to me, mostly because of the outstanding setting and storytelling. The gameplay mechanics are average at best, but overall the artistic qualities of the game made the whole much better than the sum of its parts.
Yes and no. I don't like binary notations. I've answered yes because it is what sticks with me now that I've ended the game two times though.

It feels like I'm judging two games into one, one being the narrative experience, the other being the open world game.

Hard to put on numbers or notation over a game which is able to feel so wonderful when it fully works (Main story bits - Side characters and their quest tunnels - Romances) while also being able to want to rip off your hair when it doesn't work (overall user experience is terrible, UI, loot, mandatory features missing for an open world of this scope, glitches, bugs, the "technical aspects" I guess).

In my playthrough, the game ranged from 10/10 moments (Pyramid Song quest to name just one example) to maybe 3 or 4/10 moments so... It's mostly a question of perspective I guess. Some will stick to the half empty glass and some will see what CDPR was going for and hopefully achieve by the next year. There are some genius bits hidden in there, some things I've never quite experienced in any game I've played, and those are making up for all the lack of polish or cut features.

The characters, especially the ones you can romance, are maybe the game greatest asset (with the overall art design).
It makes sense to want more out of them. The writing is so great you feel like you're among real persons who have lived their life in this city which has broken them in some ways. They're all relatable. You feel for them. So more content, no matter if it's text/cameos/quests/side activities with them would only be a good thing, not a bad one.
It's definitely the thing that eased my playthrough and made up for the other aspects of the game which are unpolished or removed. Some of the side quests for romances are among the best CDPR has ever written.

So in the moments the game has everything working together as intended and when everything clicks right, it reaches the level of quality, immersion and emotion I'd expect from CDPR, and I wasn't the slightest disappointed. Those moments made up for all the quirks, QOL issues and pacing problems the game has otherwise.
Disregarding any advertisements, missing features and bugs, my answer would still be no.

I was initially not going to even purchase the game until the expansions, but ended up buying early and playing 70hrs because I ended up getting COVID.

That being said, I found myself just mindlessly playing rather early on like I would Fallout 76 and getting through the content.

In an open world the traveling between locations needs to feel good, but it doesn't in this game. The driving is bad (especially bikes), the fast travel is bad.

The NPCs that you experience while driving and walking are awful and the AI is a complete joke. There's nothing to do between quests because it's all just go here and kill these guys and even then the combat feels bad because skills are broken and AI is abysmal.

The progression with weapons and clothing suffered from the same problem as Witcher 3 (or any looter shooter) and I didn't particularly care for it. It serves, but it doesn't feel good.

The way the majority of side quests were handled sucked with the phone calls. There wasn't really any interaction with it. It felt very MMO, but even then you have face-to-face with the mindless NPCs at least.

I dunno, aside from the very superficial appearance of the city (badlands were bad with the fake traffic) which looked beautiful, there was nothing in the game I really loved. I didn't care for the dialogue, or the combat, or the traveling, or the dead world or the linearity. It was serviceable to kill time, but the same can be said for most other games.

If you add in the other stuff though (lies, missing stuff, bugs) the game is actually extremely disappointing and actually quite irritating.
Answered yes, but it's more like a mixed yes. 7/10 yes. Kinda yes. What worked for Witcher 3, here feels like not enough. Witcher 3 works like a straight action adventure game.
No. But it's more than just a no. Act 2 is the best part of the story. It's Act 1 and 3 that's either total crap, or makes V look stupid in some of the endings. Just to make that ending work. Satisfaction is basically all the time lost on V. Want to kill a major character that screwed you. Someone else did it. Want to go real evil, can't do it. LP's do nothing for the endings.
Yes, I got TW3 formula (amazing atmosphere, focus on story and characters in Ubisoft-esque open world) plus Deus Ex-ish gameplay. Not the game of the century material, still something I really liked.
100% this. Certainly not a revolution or anything innovative but apart from absolutely broken AI and realism issues, the overall structure seems oddly similar to that of the Witcher 3 to me.
I got bored so I made a stupid poll.

Now before you vote, if you decide to vote at all (which is an option), consider this guideline:

- You played the game for how ever many hours. How did THE GAME feel? Forget the common debacles about ”false advertising”, ”cut content”, ”windshields not breaking like in GTA”, ”not enough blow-/rimjobs from Judy or Panam”, forget all the sidelines and simply answer: While you played the game, did you like the experience? Yes or no. No mixed option, give it a bit of thought and you can measure your overall enjoyment, or the lack thereof.

”No” doesn’t need to mean frothing hatred, and ”yes” doesn’t need to mean unconditional wet love. You might have had fun during your playthrough(s), but still have a sour taste in your mouth after the credits roll; and vice versa.

Also, nobody says ”don’t elaborate your vote”.

Playthrough was 128 hours (if I recall correctly) on Very hard.

The 125 of them was good but did fall off a bit at the end 20-30 hours or so, the last mission and the ending itself was really terrible.

For the most part I think the combat system and lack of things to do, ultimately killed it for me. There weren't anything challenging left and most of the characters that you had interacted with throughout the game, were sort of done for.. meaning like Judy just hanging out at the window, Vic not being part of anything etc. The characters that I had actually cared for during the game, sort of felt like they were dead, which is probably the best way of describing it.

So was pretty much left with a feeling of just grinding gigs, which I didn't really care for as I didn't felt a need for upgrading my gear and the skills in the Character sheet weren't really needed or of much interest to me, but that was a more general problem from the very start, I didn't care much about these at all and spend most points in crafting, which I only really started to use around half way through the game, due to it being rather broken, but got it modded so it was at least partly useful.

I enjoyed the combat a lot without the smart and tech weapons, quick hacking was fun, until the point where you can just instant kill everything.

So for me, it was the character acting, stories and Night city itself, despite nothing really going on here, that kept my interest. But as the stories lacked to an ending, so did the characters and Night city weren't able to carry it on it's own, simply looking amazing :D

But overall it was very fun.
Voted no myself, because inspite there being things to like and things with potential, the game just left me cold on so many fronts even before halfway through. The more I played, the closer I viewed it and its features and systems, the more obvious its faults became, and the less I liked it. And in the end, if felt glad that it ended, because I was just about to quit without finishing.
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Yes. 100 hours. I loved the story, cried a bit during end credits (Never fade away). I'm going to replay the game in the future, after big patches and DLCs.
I expected more of a action game in cyberpunk settings, than game that actually really understand what books and all that were all about so, hell yeah! I got game titled Cyberpunk 2077 that is actually is relevant work in the cyberpunk genre.
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