Do we get to play as Ciri?

It's possible, in The Witcher 2 we got to play Roche / Iorveth and Henselt / Stennis for a bit. I don't see why not, it would be nice.
Like @knightofphoenix said, it is quite possible actually, but don't think it will be some long mission - maybe a dream sequence or something similar.
CDPR already confirmed there will be other playable characters like in W2, just not as frequent.
It would be great there's side content where you can play Ciri for couple of hours? Like what Assassin's Creed did with Freedom Cry and Aveline.
Definitely a possibility. As mentioned, we got to control Roche/Iorveth, Henselt/Stennis, as well as Auckes (or was it Serrit?).
I'd like a short section where we fight as Ciri. They could invent some sweet sword moves and have her use extremely powerful magic that Geralt would never be capable of.
Well it's preferences that if people do not want to. It would be nice if CPDR make it optional then. Make it as DLC. If people do not want to play as Ciri they don't have to play the DLC. Rather than as players we only get to play Ciri for a short sequence, it may be cool to have couple of hours side missions that we play as Ciri.
Oh please NO DLCS! Just no. I meant just like in W2 but a bit longer sequences.
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Oh please NO DLCS! Just no. I meant just like in W2 but a bit longer sequences.

PS: In W2 when you get to play as Stennis just talk to some dwarfs as you go to the meeting. One of them says: Nice ponytail! :D

When did that happen ? :O
As far as I know she can use magic and fight like Witcher. Hmm maybe new set of magic spells and diffferent fighting style. That would be something!
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