Do You Play Clear Skies In Every Deck?

Do You Play Clear Skies In Every Deck?

New open beta player hear. Noticed the card Clear Skies is in all the starter decks. Seems like a flexible card. Never really dead in your hand and situational value.

Do experienced players run this card as well?
I'm not playing ranked yet, but in casual i see alot of people running it. Mostly to counter weather decks or to thin their decks. As you said, it's never a dead card.

If you're running a special heavy deck (like the special scoia'tael archtype) then its a nice way of increasing the chance of pulling out bronze unit cards (Dol Blathanna protector) when you need it.

If you do not run clear skies and meet a weather deck, you might be in big trouble. Not to mention it's needed to counter the gold weather like drought and rag nar roogh
I am not experienced, but i sometimes play it and sometimes not. Depending on what i see in matches.
Most deck has Mage with clear sky as an option, and there decoy mage. And also there are minions with clear weather in the row.
If i dont run it i already have like 5 clearskies effect.
In my Nilfgaard deck I don't use Clear Skies, instead I play Vanhemar and units that mimic the effects, like Nauzicaa Standard Bearer.
I think I have one First Light in both of my decks (pretty much starter NG and Wild Hunt), but I nearly always either Mulligan it or pick Rally. Nauzicaa Standard Bearer and Archgriffin are doing weather removal for me.
I use one Card of Clear skies even though I have Vanhemar and 2 Nauzicaa Standard Bearers. Just because of the insane amount of weather I meet in my current ranking. Not sure if this is going to change later. This is a good card 'to be on the safe side' when you meet weather-heavy deck. If not - you can play a bronze unit. So yeah, this card is useful.
Every faction has ways to deal with weather, so you don't really need first light.
That being said, I also have one First Light in most of my decks because it's nice for deck thinning.
I carry either 2 or 3 in most decks. There is little downside to carrying it as it thins your deck with a random bronze unit if you choose rally, or clears weather when needed.
You should always have at least some form of weather clear, spesificly now as ragh nar roog is rather popular and having no way to deal with it round 3 usually spells DEFEAT loud and clear.


Forum veteran
I do have a first light on all my decks, and i got like 10 already. Even when i have units that deal with weather, i still usually run at least one first light.

Only time it sucks is when i call one of those golems that come with leader on nilf deck, or the elves that come when mulliganed on my scoiatel deck.
With current super-broken RNR and Drought, Clear skies much more common on players' decks.
When those finally will be fixed - it might get to "previous stats".
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