Just hoping you understand why consumers like me feel very betrayed right now, and thank you for responding.
Speaking broadly, personally, I understand some of the frustration and disappointment, to a degree. I have no insight into development plans, of course, and cannot promise anything, but, for everyone's sake, I would hope future updates could bring more satisfaction to many, if not all, players. Based on
Witcher III's experience, it seems very likely, though it could be a gradual process, as the REDs took players' feedback into account, as they updated that game over time. That's not to say that every suggestion or request may be met or addressed, but I'm inclined to believe that CDPR will take their audience's input and concerns seriously. They've done so in the past, and have continued to do so, frequently, in
Gwent, so I see little reason to doubt that they shall respond to players again, in due time.
Once more, these are generalities. I'm not referring to any specific topic or outcry players have raised about Cyberpunk. I can merely offer my speculations, based upon my five-year association with the company. I still advise patience, trust, and, of course, civility, above all else.