Does Arjan have a bigger role in Act III (Roche) if he survived? (EE)

Does Arjan have a bigger role in Act III (Roche) if he survived? (EE)

Hey everybody,

I recently finished The Witcher 2 once again (but the first time with the EE patch, gosh I missed so much stuff) and I wonder, if Arjan has a bigger role if you let him alive and take Roche's path. I finished Iorweth's path and I found Arjan in Loc Muinne, but ... well, let's say that meeting was quite useless.

I finished Roche's path before the EE came an eternity ago and as I remember, Arjan was still more of a useless entry there like in Iorweth's path. Did the EE change anything about that (since it extended Act III), because ... well, Temeria's crown stuff and all, I wouldn't be surprised if he has something to say there.
Really? They should have given him a more important role, as it seem to be important in the Prologue, to spare him or kill him. It sounds like killing him has the bigger impact in the story, when Luiza is surrendering La Valette Castle to Nilfgaard.

I mean, in Iorweth's Path, he said that everything comes together in Loc Muine, that he can't sit at home when an event like this happens, yet he didn't changed a thing besides stayin' around and doin' nothing. As Roche's path is more involved with Temeria's fate, I would have expected that Arjan has a role in that next to Natalis, Anais and Bussy.
He doesn't have a bigger role, it's the same. There are just a few dialogue differences because on Roche path you know more about what happened to Anais and Boussy. No change in the outcome though.

But at one point, very soon after TW2 came out, the Aryan decision was indicated as one of the major decision points in the game (the others being the Path choice, what you did about Stennis/Henselt and the Rescue Triss decision). As it didn't have any impact in TW2, there's a possibility that it may in TW3. It's never been mentioned though, as far as I'm aware.
Hmm, the only difference yet seem to be, that if you kill him, his mother will surrender La Valette Castle to Shilard - so it becomes Nilfgaard territory. I think I haven't seen her again in that path, but it's been a while. But just a Castle and the territory around that being Nilfgaard territory doesn't seem to be a very big impact - it could probably lead to more war later on.

I could imagine, that people still think Arjan is dead, since he was arrested and (after Foltest's death) forced to sign the document, that he's Bussy and Anais father (well, you saved him before that), therefore he doesn't get mentioned - or they'd threat him like a traitor like before if they knew about his whereabouts, even when he's Anais and Bussy's half-brother.

I hope we get some answers to that in Witcher 3, it might be a nice plot twist, if Temeria stays independent (Save Anais in Roche's path) with Arjan showing up out of nowhere.
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