Double journey

So... wtf is this game?
I bought geralt and ciri journeys...... spendig real life money.
And now i discovers the 3 weekly quests are not for signle journey, but are shared betwen the 2.
Mind it will be nearly impossible to reach 100 on each journey, because u can level up only 1 journey at the time with the quests exp, and it will take like 2 years to level up if u do 1 quest with one journey, and the 2 left with the other.......
Are you serious? make the 3 quests for each journey!!! not shared, otherwise is really pointless buying more than 1 journey at time.
I wasted my money. And i will no buy future journeys when they will relesse, because ciri and geralt will take my time for the next years.
Very bad design.
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The old journey quests gave half the crown we have now.
And each journey has its passive 13 bonus crowns (you can switch).

If it's your first time, I understand it looks like an overwhelming task. It already took some time to finish ONE journey... We had 3 months (if I'm not mistaken) and sometimes it wasn't enough for those who didn't grind. Honestly, I think the progression is faster now.

If I understood well, we keep these journeys forever (we had a limited time before).
3 40 points quests dont compensate 6 20 crowns quests.
Because if u have multiple journeys u cant advance on quests contracts, like the one to do 36 quests for journey.

Also the 13 bonus crowns for journeys is a core, becasue with 2 journeys u have to win 12 times for use them all...... good luck vs boring renfir decks.
It will take around 4-5 hours of grindevery day, where u are forced to use meta decks....... just for a level.
This is a second job, not a funny game.
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