Doublicated Item on "FIND JACOB LAMP`S IMPLANT" Retrieve Mission.

I've finished the "FIND JACOB LAMP`S IMPLANT" Mission (don't know if the mission is really named that way, because i play it in german, there it is translated like finders keepers)
by blackmailing the Barkeeper and then delivered the eye.
But then i got back, looted the place, quick hacked cyber psychosis to the girl in the bar room and killed all the claws there eventually.
The Barkeeper still had the eye in his inventory (rather this or it was still on its original place, but i think he got it) although it was already delivered.
So it's a duplicated item in the game. Now i've got another Item i can't sell or break down. (Like the items from Jackies Garage, including those keys after the whole mission.) :(
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