Drawing Cards between Rounds are inconsistent or I just dont know the rules??

I'm coming out of beta and don't understand the card / point advantage for rounds 2 and 3.

If the opponent goes first and on the start of my new turn I have more points than him and I pass, shouldn't I get 1 more card than him if I pass round 2 with no cards played?

Also if I went 1st on round 1 and I pass round 1 and it takes him 2 rounds to beat me shouldnt he lose a card somehow?

I also see some people win round 1 if they started round 1 and then they play a card on round 2 that I just beat with 1 card. They just pass with a losing amount and they dont lose a card but sometimes I do, how does this work?



@confusedreally, confused, really? Ahem...

There are three things you need to know:
1. There is a hand limit of 10 cards.
2. In round 2 and 3, you'll draw 3 cards.
3. If you go over the hand limit, you'll receive an extra mulligan, instead.

This means that, after you win round 1, if you have more than 7 cards in your hand, you could dump a few because you'll draw 3 more cards and have a full hand again, without losing card advantage.
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