Dream Decks

Unfortunately Gwent is such that matches on ranked too often face you off against whichever META is prevalent. I've tinkered with a couple of decks, but because of the lack of balance they never really get off the ground. However, in an ideal world where there's tonnes of variety and play, what type of deck would you like to use more in Gwent and have some success with?! For me it's:

- Deck of Witchers; would love to see some cool synergy between the cards so they all worked better together.
- Traps; this one I've tried to make work so many times and whilst sometimes it works, it's both very situational/draw dependent and also one of the easiest to second guess. I wish there were lots of different traps to try to keep it varied.
- Deck of Spies; again another deck with a bit of novelty, but not viable - would be great to have more spies, more options, and more cards with synergy such as cards creating and deploying two spies, or similar.

Any themes that really appeal to you, but aren't viable? Do the new bandits look good? What about a beast-only deck? Always makes me think that there's an amazing game inside Gwent trying to get out!

Guest 4336264

Unfortunately Gwent is such that matches on ranked too often face you off against whichever META is prevalent. I've tinkered with a couple of decks, but because of the lack of balance they never really get off the ground. However, in an ideal world where there's tonnes of variety and play, what type of deck would you like to use more in Gwent and have some success with?! For me it's:

- Deck of Witchers; would love to see some cool synergy between the cards so they all worked better together.
- Traps; this one I've tried to make work so many times and whilst sometimes it works, it's both very situational/draw dependent and also one of the easiest to second guess. I wish there were lots of different traps to try to keep it varied.
- Deck of Spies; again another deck with a bit of novelty, but not viable - would be great to have more spies, more options, and more cards with synergy such as cards creating and deploying two spies, or similar.

Any themes that really appeal to you, but aren't viable? Do the new bandits look good? What about a beast-only deck? Always makes me think that there's an amazing game inside Gwent trying to get out!

I like the idea you have suggested regarding Witchers. Actually, I have been regularly trying to play various Witcher cards - Vesemir, Eskel and Lambert. The problem is, these cards are 8 each and have a power of 2 each when summoned. It's possible to use a certain card to boost one by 12 and use another Vesemir card to boost all Witchers in hand by 1 point each, but in the end I'm not sure that they are worth playing for the cost of putting the cards into a deck. I think they need a bit of a buff. I also play certain Geralt cards, but it's hard (using Northern Realms) to utilise witchers in a reasonable deck.
Its certanly not a dream deck but I don't get why everybody is crying about ardal but noone literally noone runs ardal hate decks.
indirectly boosted Immune units together with traps or specials could be a real thing. Both monsters and sociatael could run decks that provide no valuable targets to seize or offensive tactic spells rendering offensive hero abilities useless.

Then there are many cards that literary scream: build a deck around me: Ciri:nova looks exciting in an endless comback from graveyard deck, a villentretenmerth could be devastating behind a defender; in general there are soo many exciting things which could hide behind a defender and become viable this way.
Its certanly not a dream deck but I don't get why everybody is crying about ardal but noone literally noone runs ardal hate decks.
indirectly boosted Immune units together with traps or specials could be a real thing. Both monsters and sociatael could run decks that provide no valuable targets to seize or offensive tactic spells rendering offensive hero abilities useless.

Then there are many cards that literary scream: build a deck around me: Ciri:nova looks exciting in an endless comback from graveyard deck, a villentretenmerth could be devastating behind a defender; in general there are soo many exciting things which could hide behind a defender and become viable this way.
because this anti ardal deck 1. wouldnt work and 2. would lose to literally every other deck in the game. scoiatael has 2 immunes that need you to play more units to boost them and saessenthis. monsters have 4point immunes. so how exactly are you going to generate something like 60p a round with this?
ciri:nova is basically impossible to use since you need at least 12 or 13 units in your deck. even if you discard them they would go into your graveyard. villentretenmerth is just a bad tall removal that gives your opponent time to counter it. way better off playing geralt or eyck.
I built a NR deck around yenn:conjurer with defenders and pings but the reality is defenders get purified 2/3 times anyway

you are right some cards scream to built a deck around them but sadly most of them are barely if at all an supported archetype.
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