Easter eggs you'd like to see in Cyberpunk2077?

As long as we're dreaming: I'd like to see a Punisher movie, directed by "Beat" Takeshi Kitano. No "creative input" from Hollywood, either; completely hands-off, so Kitano can do his thing without interruption, and without Michael f'kn Bay sticking his exploding schlong in to everything.

Which brings us full circle to Easter eggs. Takeshi Kitano, playing Takahashi in Keanu's "Johnny Mnemonic." Nice Easter egg would be his line, "Your Japanese is terrible! Speak in English."
Thiiis is like your taste in hair-funk, right? It's that one chink in your otherwise perfect Cyberpunk taste.

The Judge Dredd Stallone. Dolph Lundgren's Punisher. Ieeee.

Although I did like the line, "Grow up to be a good man. Because if you don't... I'll be waiting. "

Ok... here we go... the Thomas Jane Punisher spent half the fucking movie on Franks origin, and still managed to get it completely wrong. I don't mind them getting the origin wrong, because its hard to believe a vietnam war vet would du much more than break his hip if he tried to fight these days... but watching the origin in this movie takes more time than it would to read every single origin story told in the comics back to back... It spent the rest of the movie wasting its talent while trying to convince us John Travolta was someone to be feared...

The only good part of the whole movie was the welder/popsicle interrogation.... that was ripped wholly from Punisher War Zone volume 1. The Garth Ennis bits they tried to throw in for comedy just brought the movie down, and the Johnny Cash assassin could have been cool, but was kinda of completely wasted in the movie... As was the awesome car that lasted all of one scene...

The Punisher War Zone movie could have been awesome... and with some editing still could be. The guy playing the punisher was fricking awesome, but right off the bat he does the whole hanging from the chandelier upside down thing, and it just sets the tone for dissapointment in the rest of the movie.

The Jigsaw bit could have been cool, but the twist on his origin was way to ridiculous. And the crazy brother, and ridiculous scenery chewing was just..... christ it was awful. And as you mentioned alter, the Grendade launcher direct hit via mid air somersault against the dude..... was just fucking stupid.

With the chandelier and rpg hit edited out completely, and the jigsaw bits toned down, it would actually have been a pretty darn good punisher flick... but it still lacked ninjas.

I still think Viggo Mortensen is a no-brainer for being cast as Frank Castle. If they could get a decent script, a good director, and an ACTUAL budget, it's possible they could make a *good* Punisher movie.

Full disclosure: while I do like the existing Punisher movies, I acknowledge they are NOT good cinema. Kurosawa, they aren't.

The Jane Punisher and Punisher War Zone both had decent budgets, they just had asshats behind the camera trying to make the punisher more than he is...

I mean Taken and Man On Fire were both far better Punisher movies than anything we have gotten officially.

And have you noticed... Punisher tends to kill actors careers... I mean have you seen Louis Gosset Jr in anything since the 90's Punisher flick? Not only did Thomas Janes career completely crash, but it kinda Kill Roy Scheider outright... and I have never seen anyone from War Zone in anything since....
I think it's poor directors / writers that are killing those careers, moreso than the Punisher intellectual property.

Marvel has shown that their various IPs *can* be turned in to good cinema (the recent Spiderman movies, including the recent reboot, the first two X Men movies, X Men: First Class, the individual Avengers movies, the Avengers movie, etc.) I think that, given the right director, the Punisher *could* be made in to a great movie.
I think it's poor directors / writers that are killing those careers, moreso than the Punisher intellectual property.

Marvel has shown that their various IPs *can* be turned in to good cinema (the recent Spiderman movies, including the recent reboot, the first two X Men movies, X Men: First Class, the individual Avengers movies, the Avengers movie, etc.) I think that, given the right director, the Punisher *could* be made in to a great movie.

I am actually getting somewhat nervous about marvel studios, for two reasons...

1. Avi Arad recently left. Avengers was his last project for Marvel. Avi came on board with Blade 1, and I believe is the reason so many succesful franchises were made. It was he who was the driving force behind all the really good Marvel movies of the last 2 decades, and it was he who convinced Marvel to open their own studio, where they would have complete control. With him gone, I am not sure how much of that solidarity wand vision will remain.

2. Iron man is coming up on its 3rd entry.... there has never been a decent 3rd movie in a comic book franchise. Hopes were high for DKR.... but christ that movie jsut sucked.... I know I know, lots of people dug it, but it had the worst plot I have ever seen, riddled with more holes than a Duggar's diaphram. I am hoping Iron Man 3 will break the curse... but I am still nervous.
Looks like Jon Favreau is still on board as director, according to IMDB. As long as the studios don't f?!k up his creative process, we should be in good hands. =)
Iron Man 3.

Yeah. Yeaaaah. Odds aren't great I gotta say.

Thomas Jane went onto the funny TV show Hung, which I've seen one episode of and looked good. Not my thing though.

The excellent Ray Stevenson from War Zone went on in his scary-ass-supporting-character career, which is fine. I like him in nearly everything he does.

Dolph is Dolph. He needs no career and transcends mere fame and money.
You know, I am just gonna say it.... the Stallone Judge Dead is actually a kick ass film. He has the jaw and the sneer... the tech was awesome, and the lawgivre in the movie was far cooler than it had any right to be considering the extremely goofy looks of the comic gun. In fact, the only real complaint I have with the movie, and the only thing that kept it from being recieved better, is that he took off the helmet. It's a little thing, but it made a huge impact in the quality of the adaptation.

Eeyup. When a decades-old character is known for never being seen without his helmet, EVER, you ought to know better than to have him take it off within the first fistful of minutes into the film and leave it off most of the rest of the movie. It's like if they remade the original Star Wars trilogy and Obi-Wan told Luke "Oh, by the way, your dad is Darth Vader and your sister is a princess with a smokin' body but has hair like two pastries glued to her head." the first time they met.
Eeyup. When a decades-old character is known for never being seen without his helmet, EVER, you ought to know better than to have him take it off within the first fistful of minutes into the film and leave it off most of the rest of the movie. It's like if they remade the original Star Wars trilogy and Obi-Wan told Luke "Oh, by the way, your dad is Darth Vader and your sister is a princess with a smokin' body but has hair like two pastries glued to her head." the first time they met.

I dunno........ I think they both might have been a little more grateful to know they were brother and sister.... but then again Leia said she has always known, so apparently she just swings that way.... must be an Alderaan thing...
Naaaah. He was kissing a prospective lover. She was kissing her brother. He just got confused. Happens all the time.

What, hasn't that happened to you?
That....although initially sounding quite stupid, that is quite a good point. They can be immersion breaking, true. Huh.

Hard to say what is an easter egg sometimes. Night City has streets and highways named after the visionaries that Richard Night admired from the 20th Cent: Gibson and Sterling, for example.

Some of the things that characters in the setting do make reference to modern movies and such, as well. The setting is so close to now, even in 2077, that movies out today, such as, say, Twilight, are the same temporal distance from 2077 as the 50s are to us. Hairstyles, music, Marilyn Monroe, and so on.

Still, it's a good point.
Glad you know what I mean =)

As you said, it depends what is classified as an easter egg. I watched a youtube clip about eastereggs in Borderlands 2 yesterday and had that one fresh in my mind when I read this thread. A level shaped like minecraft and a Batman character? (Rakkman)? Ok, Borderlands is a comical game, CP2077 shouldn't be, but mostly eastereggs are comic reliefs. Yes to references to modern culture, ie past culture in cyberpunk, that is ok. I do not count that as eastereggs. Seeing a glimpse of batman swinging between two skyscrapers is not ok though.
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