EIthne control need a nerf soon

Hey guys,

Iam playing Gwent since beta and i have to say now: Eithne control is to strong.
She detroys more then 70% off all current vaiable decks.

It is completely impossible for the opponent to play his deck and mechanics because Eithne destroy everything.


-She has too much muligan
-Heropower reset after every round. She can combine it with too many scoiathel and neutral cards (more then other Heroes)
-To many low value control cards with high potential to kill high value cards
-Its very hard to counter because her battlefield is almost empty
-Its very very very very very very very very boring to play against it (playing own mechanics immpossible)
-Eithne control vs. Eithne control is a very stupid match

I played alle current decks many times and the best way to win is spaming high HP Cards and finish her in round 2. Like "Big Wood"

What do you think guys?
The SC faction, except Filavandrel, is bad for the game because it's primarily focused around removal.
Their gameplans are always:

- Eíthne = scorch/epidemic/artifects
- Brouver = dragensdream/igni
- Findabair = double scorch
ST is currently totally broken, one faction that denies any engine based deck. Deploy units that are far stronger than many order cards without zeal and charges. That whole faction is a big joke right now and anyone who Plays it shouldbe ashamed.
A big problem is that Scoia'tael has a ton of 3 damage cards and most, if not all, engine cards have 3-4 power. The only real exception being Eskel: Pathfinder. Playing an engine against it is near impossible in the current meta as Eithne and Crach can finish off any 4 power engine in one turn. As far as I know, the only meta engine deck in the game at the moment is Big Monsters which feels a lot like playing midwinter Greatsword decks.
ST dwarf decks that focus on handbuffs are reasonable, but all-elf Eithne decks that just annihilate your hand and leave you with 0 points are super annoying to play against. The only weakness is the low unit strength but it doesnt matter because you'll wind up with 0 points by the end of the round.
-She has too much muligan

Disagree. The problem with the leader is the 3 individual pings. No idea on a great solution for it.

-Heropower reset after every round. She can combine it with too many scoiathel and neutral cards (more then other Heroes)

It's not any stronger compared to several other leaders beyond unit line-up potential.

-To many low value control cards with high potential to kill high value cards

Once again, unit line-ups. All the elves are 2-3 damage except for BMC and DB Bomber. Those two have conditions attached to them and can be played around to some extent. DB Bowman can get 3 damage but requires range to range. Again, play around ability. They all have low point bodies.

-Its very hard to counter because her battlefield is almost empty

Play around ability exists. Hard to counter, yes. It's not the only thing hard to counter....

-Its very very very very very very very very boring to play against it (playing own mechanics immpossible)
-Eithne control vs. Eithne control is a very stupid match

Yes to both of these.

What do you think guys?

The underlying problem is unit line-up potential. I'm not sure how to fix this beyond changing the elves and leader slightly so it's more difficult to pull off. The problem is it's difficult to make Eithne work well without unit line-ups. Literally everything you can play with Eithne screams line up the opponent units. If you don't do this and lock down opponent units it cannot compete.

Furthermore, like always, ST bronze selection is badly designed. Particularly with gold synergies in mind.
Just encountered 2 eithne decks with my sage elf deck and theirs is to say absolutely rubbish. Boring shit repeating itself over and over, no synergy, no combos, just taking away all chances for the opponent to play any unit. Which quite sucks if you run just 7 units. eithne should not be able to even kill 1 sage elf. Since it is just a waste of time and I have absolutely nothing better to do, I'm gonna preflop forfeit any eithne deck from now on.
This is getting out of hand, I just faced 7 games in a row against Eithne control. Tried to play NG and SK decks both to no avail... Managed to win only one game with a SINGLE point advantage and that was mostly luck. No fun allowed because anything you play gets instantly removed or your whole board gets set to scorch/shiru/regis/igni wipe and I even faced an epidemic Eithne.

Eithne needs a serious look over as in the current state it is too oppressive and not fun to play against. Those of you who play Eithne need a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself what kind of a person you are.
I feel with you; it´s frustrating when everything that I put on the board gets directly destroyed. But you can adapt your playstyle: deathwish, witcher or boost decks and remember to put in some cards that can bring a big variance in hitpoints.
I hope that cdpr is aware of the problematic that there is too much removal possible (well too few is bad either --> two rows and some engines are too strong when you have no counter) and the next patch comes in december....
Seems there is a lot of hard work to do; I don`t envy the developers :)


Forum veteran
Scoiatel right now is basically elf control or movement control or artefact control... there's also dwarves, which is decent but not against SC control or SK damage which run rampant.

I tried a bloodthirst deck yesterday and was facing a elf control and it was just us taking turns in destroying the low unit the other one had, i got sick of it and stopped using the deck.
Scoiatel right now is basically elf control or movement control or artefact control... there's also dwarves, which is decent but not against SC control or SK damage which run rampant.

That might be because the only "buff" engines are dwarves or humans, most bronzes have tiny bodies and the golds/bronzes are plagued with anti-synergies. As an example, Smugglers and Defenders would make sense in a Fila deck. So would Isengrim. Isengrim doesn't have synergy with dwarves and humans though. Aelrinn might make sense too but she also has lackluster synergy with dwarves and humans. Plus, to make Isengrim work you need to keep elves alive. Everyone has a hard on for elf murder right now :).
I think it's a shame that it is even possible to play a full control deck. It does not need any kind of skill to play this deck.

enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy surrender

1:0 Eithne... (11:0 win round 1)

I would feel better if control cards are limitied and you have to think about what u remove from the enemy.
I think it's a shame that it is even possible to play a full control deck. It does not need any kind of skill to play this deck.

enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy surrender

1:0 Eithne... (11:0 win round 1)

I would feel better if control cards are limitied and you have to think about what u remove from the enemy.

Exactly that
I think it's a shame that it is even possible to play a full control deck. It does not need any kind of skill to play this deck.

enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy play a card -> insta remove -> enemy surrender

1:0 Eithne... (11:0 win round 1)

I would feel better if control cards are limitied and you have to think about what u remove from the enemy.

Play more bigger cards bro. No skill is an exaggeration. A makeshift NR deck, featuring taunt spam and Eithne pings thrown at a spent Blue Stripe begs to differ. Guess he had a must kill unit vibe going on.... Even though the unit already did it's job. Was an engine deck on blue coin and he/she still lost too. The point being It's easy to tell sub-par Eithne from well played Eithne. So... yeah. Well played Eithne doesn't waste leader pings.
Play more bigger cards bro. No skill is an exaggeration. A makeshift NR deck, featuring taunt spam and Eithne pings thrown at a spent Blue Stripe begs to differ. Guess he had a must kill unit vibe going on.... Even though the unit already did it's job. Was an engine deck on blue coin and he/she still lost too. The point being It's easy to tell sub-par Eithne from well played Eithne. So... yeah. Well played Eithne doesn't waste leader pings.

"Play bigger cards"... big cards are boring cards. I know this is a key to win. But @ the moment this is the only one.
Big Wood = Counter. But i dont wanna play big wood or boring high cards because Eithne control. She ruins this game for me.
"Play bigger cards"... big cards are boring cards. I know this is a key to win. But @ the moment this is the only one.
Big Wood = Counter. But i dont wanna play big wood or boring high cards because Eithne control. She ruins this game for me.

I didn't say giant cards. Bigger cards. As in if you want engines to survive you need to make them bigger, immune them, use bait or do something to keep them from getting zerged. If you're upset your cards are dying do something about it. Eithne is certainly strong but the notion it's magically superior to every other concept out there is not accurate. Plenty of decks can hang with it.

Yeah, some decks get shit on against it. It's sort of the nature of a T1 deck. It can beat most other decks if played properly and wrecks it's fair share of other builds out there. Certain Crach decks are freaking ridiculous too. I don't see anyone complaining about those....


Forum veteran
That might be because the only "buff" engines are dwarves or humans, most bronzes have tiny bodies and the golds/bronzes are plagued with anti-synergies. As an example, Smugglers and Defenders would make sense in a Fila deck. So would Isengrim. Isengrim doesn't have synergy with dwarves and humans though. Aelrinn might make sense too but she also has lackluster synergy with dwarves and humans. Plus, to make Isengrim work you need to keep elves alive. Everyone has a hard on for elf murder right now :).

Yeah i think this dwarf, elf, dryad mix should be further explored to become viable - starting with adding more dryads ofc - so SC can evolve into something that is not just unit removal.
Yeah i think this dwarf, elf, dryad mix should be further explored to become viable - starting with adding more dryads ofc - so SC can evolve into something that is not just unit removal.
I agree here. Scoitael has very few options. I have tried hard to make filavandrel work and it just can't hang with eithne or crach.

I didn't say giant cards. Bigger cards. As in if you want engines to survive you need to make them bigger, immune them, use bait or do something to keep them from getting zerged. If you're upset your cards are dying do something about it. Eithne is certainly strong but the notion it's magically superior to every other concept out there is not accurate. Plenty of decks can hang with it.

Yeah, some decks get shit on against it. It's sort of the nature of a T1 deck. It can beat most other decks if played properly and wrecks it's fair share of other builds out there. Certain Crach decks are freaking ridiculous too. I don't see anyone complaining about those....

I am glad someone said it. The crach control with wolfsbane and the gold ship is just as good at erasing boards, better even cause it can thin to always find those cards.

And then there is woodland control, the new version of eithne artifacts. Empty boards are very dull.
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