Why wouldn't you support Milva? It's a great, smart card if you don't cheese it with Madoc.
I agree Milva is not the probleme it pretty cool to play it, the probleme is saskia traps and eldain, saskia should not renisialite after bringing the second card exactly like the portal, portal cost 12 provision saskia cost 13 for one provision cost saskia are a much more better card 'cheated'.
Traps should have a condition to get activated, like controling an elfe so no more unitless decks, and traps could be avoided
And finally eldain he has a devotion condition but i feel like he doesn't have one, because it's a big joke it should change to transform only the adjacent traps, and devotion transform them all, so no more madoc and traps
Eldain is made to play vernossiel
Even the tiger should get nerfed, the card have zele he have strength of 7 and there only two ways to get it out, use the banish card or transform it into a bear
Even the queen kikimore should get nerfed, bringing one madoc is okay but allow it to create 6 madoc if every think turns well with abbaye, fusselle, and witche sabbat it abused queen kikimore should create a copy of a monster unit only