Enhanced Edition - First Reviews

Ganishka said:
Yeah, the animation of running is terrible in ME3 (I literally was shocked at how poorly it was made, and even thought that maybe it was a bug xDDD), but the only reference I did to ME3 was the dialogue scenes, and they are still the best in the genre. The characters move while they talk, they change positions, wonder around, gesture a lot, and so on and so forth.

As for Skyrim, I think the animations in there are.... interesting? They are bad in some cases (the way your enemeies trying to flee is really funny xDDD) and they are really good in other ocasions (two handed combat is beautiful, you can feel the weight and the impact). And besides, Skyrim (as well as the whole TES series) is loved for different things. But overall, I think animations in Skyrim are pretty good. But that's me, you have your own opinion on the matter :)

Somehow by clicking on that video it led me to finding a video showing that Cartoon Network re-aired Toonami on April fools for the day and now a movement started up with millions wanting Toonami back.
HomemComH said:
That OXM review...

That seems just plain lazy. It's not like it's hard to figure out who the developer is or that Atari isn't the publisher for the EE.
I've moved on to Chapter 2 of the game. I can't stop playing! Hoping to be done soon so I can review. I already have so many notes. :p
But I'm still gonna take my time and enjoy everything I can.
Congratulation guys!

Looking forward to play the Enhanced Edition on my PC when it's available for download.Been waiting a few months hyping myself up after finishing the game 4 times last year.
Ganishka said:
You really think that the lightning on the x360 version is better? The way I see it, it is actually much worser...
Look at this:

I sure hope as hell that they won't change the lightning in the PC version ):

Agree somewhat, heck I know you are comparing "brightness, etc" but after comparing the trees in the second image im glad im playing this on Pc, it still looks better in my opinion!
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