Equipment Imports to TW3

As I stated earlier: In TW2, the Raven armor and endgame swords gave you a little edge 'till you hit the mid/end part of Chapter 1, if you upgraded them properly... I don't really see why that wouldn't be possible to in Wild Hunt... They could very well make them viable through the prologue, or even longer if you upgrade them too... not every armor/weapon, of course, but the most interesting/legendary ones. far as the dagger and Melitele's Heart go: Geralt could get them later in the story, if they become quest relevant. Maybe he stashed them with Triss?

This definitly would have been possible, but the items you mention do look quite end-game, then after the prologe you would again equip gear that does look much less legendary but would be better regarding stats.
Again I don't think it is impossible, but there are gonna be similiar items for sure ( visually) and just keeping them for the later game progressions seems for me quite the better solution.
Now that the game is out all the naysayers can rightly plough it :p

Importing for example sweet fateful Aerondight and even having some skills wouldn't break the immersion at all. I for one like not forgetting how to kill all the monsters and having to grind through level one (again!)
I picked the hardest difficulty because somehow i thought so highly of CDPR that i simply expected that they would've had not just Geralt's, but also the player's journey through the now trilogy of games *actually matter* by finally getting some proper character stats and equipment properly imported. But seeing as it this is their first sandbox I don't wonder at all that they stumble in some areas. As Witcher 2 had them stumbling into the modern era with QTE galore, but at least then we still got *bad* imported equipment which players were then free to mod to their rightful values!

Long are gone the days of QFG...

But without digressing, my overly optimistic first impression pictured the import save experience being somewhat of a NG+ experience where, normal difficulty would be pretty smooth sailing for an import player, while on the hardest difficulty it would not be *impossible* to go against those high level monsters "you're not supposed to be able to kill at your measely level master veteran badass witcher myeeh!"
Surely the increased enemy damage output would still hold a challenge?

As it is the difficulty levels tell tales of immersion breaking where the monsters the import player slayed by the hordes in the previous games now kick one's buttocks again. It feels like they just turned back the clock on Geralt. And it's not a fun feeling having all that badass stripped away for a crossbow and a tattoo(?*)
Even though the crossbow is awesome.

*Somebody told me some tattoo carries over from Witcher 2, to which I replied "Oh yay..."

There would've been, and maybe still is a way to please everyone too, to give the option to import the decisions, decisions + equipment or decisions + experience separately... Witholding any more wild speculation, i'm sure mods will emerge in time if nothing else har har!
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