Evolving Meteorite Dust

Does anyone else feel like Meteorite Dust is practically useless right now? I get that the prices for animated cards are insanely inflated to try and compensate for this lack of utility, but it honestly just feels really shallow. To help rid the world of this issue, I propose the following evolutions for Meteorite Dust (aka, "More things to spend it on"):

1. New Avatars/Titles; this has been a problem for a while now, what with characters only being rewarded to those who cheesed the hardest on the ladder, or there even being a sort of drought of character variety going around from having to adhere to the limited space of the ladder's reward tiers. Being able to purchase new avatars/titles with your radioactive waste piles would not only help those who want to look a certain way achieve that look without (relatively) having to go through an insane amount of intestinal pain, but it could also incentivize providing a wider variety of avatars to be available for use. And after there are more avatars, perhaps the pool of taunts could be increased by proxy (please lessen the creation of characters like the Phoenix; create more characters similar to Dagon in that regard - give their gibberish different inflections for us to 'speak' through)?

2. Keg Enchantments; do you ever feel like your kegs have been somewhat wasted upon opening them, or that a set of gold cards is just too far out of reach due to others consistently pushing their way to the top of the card-pool during a large unboxing spree? Who could ever forget how painful it is for a Faction Week to waste your draws on one faction, forcing you to ride out the storm lest your ideals of decent faction-ratios perish in the cold and insurmountable sea of Nilfgaard? I do, at least, and it's always painful for me to take forever and a week just to earn enough scrap for certain cards/deck-setups from one particular faction...and even longer if I want to wait for the more specialized cards to pop up out of the keg draws. To make both the Meteorite Dust and Keg Draw systems feel a bit more consumer friendly, I propose there to be somewhat pricey Faction Enchantments that drastically increase the chances of draws being oriented towards a specific faction's cards - as a sort of personal Faction Week that only lasts until you've opened so many kegs (say, 10 or so). This would allow players who want to specialized in specific factions the leeway to do so at the drop of a hat, provided they've saved up their hard-earned toxic particles beforehand.

3. Taunt-Panel Crossovers; this might just come off as a bit of a gimmick, but I feel it can be excused given that Meteorite Dust is a gimmick unto itself. The following proposal would allow you to swap out taunt-wheels between different character avatars - being able to have Dagon profanely introduce himself in the mannerisms of Zoltan, or Triss take on a nasty side by taunting her foes with the voice of Jennifer. It's small, it's cheesy, but I think it'd be a nice touch; plus, who doesn't want to hear Radovid say "You would make a Good slave..." ?
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