Excuse me. Is there a White Net Running Suit exsist :0 ?

I farm her. over 50 time now :0
View attachment 11145575

She made this shoping mall . Become real shopping mall :>
and emm :0
She throw this shoe to me o_O !
View attachment 11145578

But its white :v
I want its in black :0
There is no way is Headmaster of Jinguji to have this for me. even I save him from meanie customer :0
so . I think about farming her until she drop me black color :eek:
or emm . If have white suit exsist.
so I will stop farm and move forward .

please advice :>
thank you

there is no white netrunner suit, only Black, red, blue and now you should be able to find the bugbear version as mod
only white netrunner suit in the game is the one Alt Cunningham wears...

i know.
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