
solocord said:
maybe a extension to be able to play on even when you finish all the quests and the main quest and maybe some random quests appearing every 3 days? id like to be able to play my game from the finish and continue for as long as i like to play that way i can enjoy my game play for an unlimited amount of time, i am kind of new here so ill say this i finished the game in 3 days and i would like to extent the game play to be unlimited amount of playing time without only being able to play until i finish the fight with the salamander and the grand master, anyone agree that the game play should be extended to be unlimited hours of play?
the areas are limited, there isn't much to be done besides the quests anyway
Gupster said:
Could we maybe have a set of rules for the dice game please as I dont fully understand what I have to do and when/if I win its usually by luck at the moment ;D
(( The dice game that is played is a lot like Yaztee or poker with the full house and what not, look up both games on google and that should help you quite a bit!!))
[sup]hmmmm what about --- in the begging your watching a movie about where Geralts grandson is with Geralt (doing something) and a mage appears ]:-> and he says "well if it isn't the grate Geralt :mad:" and Geralt says " RUN ----boys name---" to his grand then the mage says "i finally found you after all these years Geralt to think that you have been with a kid after all this time you didn't think you could escape us did u?... no matter your still going to die :evil:!" then somehow he is killed by a mage who tells the kid i suggest not coming after me boy i will not spare your life :-\. then telleports away....(boy runs up to Geralt crying screaming GRAMPA GRAAAMMMPPAAA! :'(! and Geralt last words are like go .... and speak with .... she will tell you .. (dies without finishing sentence) :'( (im to lazy to add on to this u are smart think of sooommmthhhiiiinnngggg ;D)[/sup]
o woops i forgot to menchion the boys only relitive left alive was Geralt soooo... (well the boy thinks that anyway) the story might have a twist and the mage might be Geralts son or something (sooo the boys dad)

Guest 2005166

:whatthe: Sorry, just understood partly what you want to say here. Should this be an idea for a module?
Смотрю,здесь половина населения англоязычные люди
Я ваш рот наоборот твари вы сами та проходили Ведьмака на сложном долбоебы блять ебучии!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Люди.Слышали , выйдет Ведьмак 2 ?Так вот , он ВЫЙДЕТ! Называться игра будет называться Ведьмак убийца королей .Я если честно то не понял , о чём говорит название.Но я думаю что Геральт будет то ли защищать королей , то ли искать убийц королей . Я не знаю точно когда игра выйдет , но выйдет в этом 2010 году - это я знаю точно.Там измениться интерфейс управления ведьмаком.И кстати , он поменяет причёску , и будет завязывать свои волосы в хвост.Ну , а так всё по старому . Очень жду игру :The Witcher ^Assasins kings.Ещё должна выйти игра ассасинс крид два , но это уже совсем другая тема.
I would like to see Gerald do some spy work as well!You know, fool the guards Dress like them, try to hide the signs of mutation and so on. ;D
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