Extreme Stash Lag - Split Stash across Apartment

I have two request in regard to the appartment stash:

The stash in the apartment is starting to lag alot once the player has stored a few dozent items in it.
This was already the case with the Witcher 3 Stash and is now bugging me in Cyberpunk aswell.
It feels like the stash is an array that has no free indexes and only extends if the player adds a new items by one index and then moves all existing Items after the newly added item one index up in the array, causing massive lag every time we add or remove an items. I´m talking up to 30 seconds to add/remove an item here!
Please consider restructuring the inventory for better performance, f.ex. by using a LinkedList/Array hybrid structure that allows for quick direct access and also fast add/remove actions. As it is right now, it feels like the Add/Remove actions of an Stash of size n are o(n^2).

The appartment has a fridge, a clothing closet and other storage opportunities already. Then why do we have to dump everything into one big Stash?!
I would like to suggest the following: Split the Stash between different locations in the appartment. Let us put our clothes into the wardrobe, put our misc food and drink items into the kitchen/fridge, let us put our misc items in a container in the living area and our Weapons and Armor in seperate Containers in the Armory Room that currenty serves as a dumping hole for everything. Splitting the stashes would also improve the situatuion with the lagging stash.

Cyberpunk2077 is one of the best games for collector-players. There are so many interesting items and it is a shame that we don´t have any good way to actually store these items.
Yep, I'm quite okay with this two points :)
But I'm surprised by the "30s" to add/remove an item :(
How many item do you have in you're stash ?
Okay I'm on Series X (not the best version of the game), I have only one version for each gun/rifles/melee weapons/clothes (legendary or epic) and grenades/health/buff items. But it's not lagging at all :(
I had terrible lag with version 1.0x but not 30 seconds, but several seconds delays, enough to make me wonder how useful feature it was was storing lots of items as lag made it some time consuming. On my second playthrough I don't recall there was much of lag but then I was storing a lot less items as I knew what I needed and what not. I'm on Xbox One X.

Having tabs for different kinds of items would be helpful feature and perhaps it could also work in a way that there's only one stash and everything could be accessed but when player goes to closet containing clothes it opens clothing tab for default. Fridge would open consumables tab as default and so on.


It's true the game takes longer to load it all at some point, but that's only apparent when there're hundreds of items.
I do wish we could store/take out many different items simultaneously of the stash. Kinda like a checkout procedure.
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