feedback And Suggestions towards the lifespan and updates of the game.

  • First off, more exploration and integration of things originally intended like northern California and Reno, even the area past Rocky Flats where Saul is Sent to his final fiery goodbye. More of the Metro tunnels that were abandoned during construction and are all linked together for longcuts or shortcuts to the other sides of the maps. Even the old Oilfields and Silverhand's body buried in an unmarked grave should be given a proper burial. Why care about a psychopathic murderous maniacal terrorist that blew up Arisaka HQ???? I know some are going to ask this question. I will Tell You why, He plays a critical and crucial role in the story Sure the game is a bit controversial due to the Science Fiction Alternative History and Future Dystopian Cyberpunk Thriller, but you literally have to look past this because this is actually what is killing the game. What Iam getting to is the Cancel Culture crap is literally blowing the game out of proportion and all this ridiculous trolling and bashing of CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 and all other assets and games of the company has to stop. I am maintaining a professional stance by defending Cd Projekt Red. In my eyes, I still see great potential for the game.
  • Making the Train controllable and can go anywhere along the tracks and can create a chokepoint and or an ambush point if need be. After the Main mission where you have to find the card chip, you can control the train remotely from the console to do what you see fit like reenact one of your favorite scenes from Mad Max with the Train and Locomotive and others.
  • The tank can also be used again and driven and used again for wreaking havoc and sheer firepower if you need to permanently clear a location of enemies. This kind of reminds me of the Rhino from Grand Theft Auto that basically has no use in story mode but to clutter up and take up space and should be put to use after the main mission and also still maintained by the Aldercaldo mechanics and periodically fixed and welded. The Aldecaldo camp would be turned into a Permanent camp and would move to the abandoned cattle farm South of Town where the area is kind of flooded and pumps installed would keep the area dry and there would also be a proper communal shower/Bathhouse and Toilet buildings. This area is large enough for a permanent camp. Also, the Abandoned airport and hanger would be rebuilt, and supplies flown in from across the country from other Aldecado outposts and made a permanent staging ground for supplies for The Aldecaldos.
  • The Auto website will sell the Kaukus Heavy Military truck that has an improved rebuilt engine and transmission and is heavily modernized for sheer brute force and for running vehicles off the road and heavily armored and has a machine gun that is coaxial 360 degree turning radius (180 Radians ,2nd Pi or 6.2831853072 rad) for shredding anything that gets in your way and to put down trouble.
  • After Phantom Liberty is finished, you will get a call from Lady President with coordinates to an old forgotten supply cache and safehouse that is fully stocked and still has an armored SUV, that is monstrously armored not even a nuke could damage it; in the garage that is yours and another safehouse with a huge cache of weapons including the rocket launcher Panam used and a S.P.A.S. 12 Military along with some Cyberpunk 2020 weapons like the Royal Enfield LPA1 ,Militec .477 Boomer and a railgun.

  • Other general improvements and vehicle and bug fixes and the Metro tunnels also linked into DOGTOWN and the roof of the old arena along with other areas throughout the stadium fully accessible after completion of Phantom Liberty.
  • the Megabuilding 10 an Megabuilding 7 fully finished and everything open and elevator fixed, and crime scenes removed. Along with the Pawn Shop open and implemented into Megabuilding 10. And Jackie's Garage is yours so you can hire a mechanic to tune and customize your vehicles as well store all your bikes there too. There is a permanent shrine dedicated to Jackie behind the Bar where his mother visits quite often.
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Guest 4719259

I agree with most of the above.
Just my five cents:
1. Can we still expect to be, if not invited to NetWatch, at least given one or two missions as a mercenary?
2. The above applies to Max-Tac as well.
3. What happens to the IceBreaker that Farida installs in V at the clinic on Reed's orders, in case V decides to save So Mi instead of betraying her? I mean, the Icebreaker is a demon, right? Can it be obtained in objectified form?
4. Is it possible to get a specialized trophy cabinet in V's apartment? Short list of exhibits: soldier badges from Saburo Arasaka, encrypted chip from Gary the prophet, Evelyn Parker's purse, amulet with bullet from V's head, medal for saving the nation from the hands of Rosalind Myers, FIA token, Blue Moon's photo. The list could go on.

Guest 4719259

* No, really: where is my ICEbreaker?!


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If you are on PC, you are lucky for there are many talented modders that are adding stuff like crazy, even new Gigs and happenings are showing up, some are buggy but since the game now is stable, the quality and quantity has been increased some :)
Just a small little feedback. ( i hope a developer will read this)

I play the game since release ( i mean literrally the launch) and on the first two day i played through the whole game ( 8 times( the only problems i had back in the days was one game crash ( dashboarded //xbox// ) and two bugs where the mission markers where on sligthly altered positions than they should be.

I never understood the heated debate about the bugs , Problems and glithces i always treated and loved the game for the masterpiece it was and it still is ( on this point sorry for my seemingly bad english im a german hehe)

Anyways i always played every pixel of the game since release wether it was buggy ( visual) or laggy i beathed the game day in and out even today ( while i write these lines)

I hope there will be some mod support for consoles and hopfully new cyberpunk game in the future.

In my eyes CDPR is a good company with more than just a witcher game my Love to this company started with cyberounk and a bit of witcher ( :p ) and i still enjoy finding stuff even today. On my now 50th +- playthrough.

So Thanks to CDPR for this masterpeace of a game weater back on release day or today doesnt matter i enjoy every second of it im playing.

( footnote: thanks to everyone who read those lines. And hopfully a team member of CDPR reads those lines too. That this member truly knows there at least one who loves this game from day one till now.)

>Adding more character customization options, ESPECIALLY MORE TATTOOS
I think the amount of tattoos you can find in the unmodded game is just insufficient

I think it would be a really great update especially for peole like me, who like to spend a lot of time on their characters.
  • First off, more exploration and integration of things originally intended like northern California and Reno, even the area past Rocky Flats where Saul is Sent to his final fiery goodbye. More of the Metro tunnels that were abandoned during construction and are all linked together for longcuts or shortcuts to the other sides of the maps. Even the old Oilfields and Silverhand's body buried in an unmarked grave should be given a proper burial. Why care about a psychopathic murderous maniacal terrorist that blew up Arisaka HQ???? I know some are going to ask this question. I will Tell You why, He plays a critical and crucial role in the story Sure the game is a bit controversial due to the Science Fiction Alternative History and Future Dystopian Cyberpunk Thriller, but you literally have to look past this because this is actually what is killing the game. What Iam getting to is the Cancel Culture crap is literally blowing the game out of proportion and all this ridiculous trolling and bashing of CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 and all other assets and games of the company has to stop. I am maintaining a professional stance by defending Cd Projekt Red. In my eyes, I still see great potential for the game.
  • Making the Train controllable and can go anywhere along the tracks and can create a chokepoint and or an ambush point if need be. After the Main mission where you have to find the card chip, you can control the train remotely from the console to do what you see fit like reenact one of your favorite scenes from Mad Max with the Train and Locomotive and others.
  • The tank can also be used again and driven and used again for wreaking havoc and sheer firepower if you need to permanently clear a location of enemies. This kind of reminds me of the Rhino from Grand Theft Auto that basically has no use in story mode but to clutter up and take up space and should be put to use after the main mission and also still maintained by the Aldercaldo mechanics and periodically fixed and welded. The Aldecaldo camp would be turned into a Permanent camp and would move to the abandoned cattle farm South of Town where the area is kind of flooded and pumps installed would keep the area dry and there would also be a proper communal shower/Bathhouse and Toilet buildings. This area is large enough for a permanent camp. Also, the Abandoned airport and hanger would be rebuilt, and supplies flown in from across the country from other Aldecado outposts and made a permanent staging ground for supplies for The Aldecaldos.
  • The Auto website will sell the Kaukus Heavy Military truck that has an improved rebuilt engine and transmission and is heavily modernized for sheer brute force and for running vehicles off the road and heavily armored and has a machine gun that is coaxial 360 degree turning radius (180 Radians ,2nd Pi or 6.2831853072 rad) for shredding anything that gets in your way and to put down trouble.
  • After Phantom Liberty is finished, you will get a call from Lady President with coordinates to an old forgotten supply cache and safehouse that is fully stocked and still has an armored SUV, that is monstrously armored not even a nuke could damage it; in the garage that is yours and another safehouse with a huge cache of weapons including the rocket launcher Panam used and a S.P.A.S. 12 Military along with some Cyberpunk 2020 weapons like the Royal Enfield LPA1 ,Militec .477 Boomer and a railgun.

  • Other general improvements and vehicle and bug fixes and the Metro tunnels also linked into DOGTOWN and the roof of the old arena along with other areas throughout the stadium fully accessible after completion of Phantom Liberty.
  • the Megabuilding 10 an Megabuilding 7 fully finished and everything open and elevator fixed, and crime scenes removed. Along with the Pawn Shop open and implemented into Megabuilding 10. And Jackie's Garage is yours so you can hire a mechanic to tune and customize your vehicles as well store all your bikes there too. There is a permanent shrine dedicated to Jackie behind the Bar where his mother visits quite often.
I've only just discovered that either because of budget reasons or because it would take too many manhours to create but a lot of the map wasn't finished in the game and there are areas of the map that weren't in the final release of the game is this true or just a rumour if that is the case then this could be used as another DLC.
I've only just discovered that either because of budget reasons or because it would take too many manhours to create but a lot of the map wasn't finished in the game and there are areas of the map that weren't in the final release of the game is this true or just a rumour if that is the case then this could be used as another DLC.
The answer to that is likely that some of it true and some of it is just people imagining things, sharing their theories around and people going with it. It's certainly not "a lot". Though I guess that depends on each individual's definition of "a lot".

Cutting stuff that won't make it for release is not abnormal for... well... any game.

With that said, there won't be any future DLC. There won't be any content update. The game's development is over. It's bug fixing from here on out and even that is tenuous at best. There will likely be bugs remaining by the time CDPR removes the few that are left to work on CP2077.
[...] Now that I know it was a half-finished and clearly a half-baked game and it shows and should never been released smack dab in the middle of a global quarantine. Well let's hope that ALL CUT CONTENT GETS RE-INTEGRATED BACK INTO THE FILES SOMEDAY. [. . .] I am totally obsessed and hooked on cut content for Skyrim. It makes the game more interesting to play plus the game does not feel as empty.
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