Feedback when scanning needs a rework

Well, I had a choice between spamming in some unrelated topics first to be allowed to post something important to me or dump it here. So..

Scanning environment with your Kiroshis brings up alot of annoying garbage icons on the screen. All kind of fans, microwaves, computers, forklifts, cameras, red barrels, cars and god know what else clutter your screen. When you add some loot laying on the ground it is a real unreadable mess. Add some Pinged enemies and green silhouettes of interactable stuff and you start wanting to reap these optics out of your face.
Also for some reason all these items are related to different actions (distracting, hacking, detecting, exploding, attacking) but using the same red color for their icons. No way to quickly identify things you need. Allrighty, I got it that you really like the Red color, since it's even in your company's name but there should be some limits! Use some other colors to make it more readable. No need in using same icon color for turrets which shoot you and a lamp, which can start flickering to distract enemies.

Now imagine the scenario when you go in with heavy weapons blazing and not caring about hacking and distracting, You try to scan for enemies and loot and get your hands full with unneeded info all over the screen. See the problem?
I think we need either a total rework of this system (which realistically we'll never get) or at least possibility to turn off some of those garbage icons - maybe from options menu, maybe with Cyberware upgrades.
We need filters: like computers, access points, explosives, distracting stuff, doors, cameras/turrets, loot. And we need checkboxes to turn them on and off in the scan mode
If we're looking at scanning reworks then I'd agree on filters being necessary, and I'd be keen for more detail when scanning people. Currently there's no detail on civilians and enemies stand out too much. IFF should require an upgrade and shouldn't work automatically unless combat has started.
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