Firesworn zealot

So do we actually know what firesworn zealot (the dude spawned by many syndicate cards) is? Some people suggested its a 2 power token. Somebody else said that the power depends on how many there are on your side of the board when played (first 1 second 2 third 3 and so on) I would absolotely love this idea. Its flavourful as well (with numbers grows confidence and strenght). Even if its not the case I think this would be an interesting idea for a mechanic in the future.


Forum veteran
Still havent seen the firesworn zealot, but took a look at the cards revealed today, and they seem all to be related to the Himmelfart "gang".

And most cards generate or synergize with these zealots... Im predicting Gimpy Gerwin will be the bane of this deck, just like he is to Draug Revenant decks.
And most cards generate or synergize with these zealots... Im predicting Gimpy Gerwin will be the bane of this deck, just like he is to Draug Revenant decks.

Yes, seems inevitable. If zealots become popular, Gimpy's revival is coming for sure.. On the other hand, seems like concept with zealots is having good synergies, Draugs as specters much less so.
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