Fist Fights

Don't know if my audio is bugged, or it's an actual problem by the games engine/design, but I don't seem to get any sound feedback, if I get punched in a fist dight, only if I myself hit the enemy. Really annoys me, cause you don't really notice if you're hit, unless you're always staring at you're health bar. Happened too often now, that I just die in a Fist Fight without even noticing the enemy even hit me anytime befrore.
It's not the biggest of all problems, but I would be really glad if this would be patched soon, or someone has some suggestions to tweaking my audio settins, cause all the fighting quests are not fun at all right now, especially because you get downed by most of those enemies in 3-4 hits, and if you don't even notice you're getting hit, that's pretty annoying.
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