Flurza Podcast AMA



Hello Everyone!

As some of you might know, we change the format for TWiG hence we closed down the "Ask a Dev" thread on the forums.

Moving forward me and Flake are doing a weekly podcast called Flurza: a show about GWENT (link below) and we would like to feature your questions on the show, so if you have any questions for Flake and me, feel free to drop them in this thread!

Thank you!
Nothing new on projekt Golden Nekker.
Yes, it will be single player, yes, it will be stand alone.
No, it won't be Thronebreaker 2, it won't be another witcher tale.
Yes, it will be linked to Gwent and (should) encourage you to try out the other.

Flake said:

[...] I rather read a book.
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