FNFF or HNS damage systems?

FNFF or HNS damage systems?

I am curious which damage system people prefer:

The Friday Night Fire Fight system, rolling damage per shot that hits, (which can mean huge amounts of rolls with automatic weapons,) applied against detailed levels of armour 'Stopping Power'. (2020 Rulebook - More complex and variable.)


The High Noon Shootout rules, rolling a single dice per shot, consulting a chart and deducting armour value. (Listen Uo You Prmitive Screwheads - Much faster and simpler.)


You have not clue what I am talking about...
I use FNFF but I house ruled that if the player wants he can roll once and use the damage roll from 1 round for each round that hits, they must decide before rolling damage though.
That's right fuzzy 10d6 in your face of fireball fun lol, but I allow the option player choice in the matter it works good on speeding it up. I did have a player take the option and rolled 5 1's on 5d6 lol.
Although I by far prefer FNFF, playing online taught me that dice rolls really slow things down. It's fine if the players are on top of what they need to roll, but otherwise in online PnP there seems to be a tendency to look up what you need, then roll. Then analyze the numbers.

Plus virtual dice lack that kinetic joy.

So in Dark Heresy I moved us to a more dice-less system. It was smoother but less chaotic fun.

FNFF online fortunately, requires very few rolls to get things done and combat is so lethal, it's over quickly.

It's fairly simple & effective, yet still has enough details to present a nice graphical image in your head. I think HNS was a tad too streamlined to me.
We use FNFF with just one roll for damage. Trying to get my players to just roll once. d10 for the hit, percentile roll for location, and the d6 for damage. We use an expanded percentile based hit location.
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