For Mahakam!


Well, well, well, I see from the new details of Thronebreaker that -- amongst other never-before-seen locations in the Witcher's world -- we'll be paying a visit to Mahakam and old Brouver Hoog! Grand! There's naught like a round of cards with a pack of dwarves!
Ever wonder about Brouver Hoog's personality and politics? He's rather an eccentric one, that dwarf. . .

From Meet the characters of Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales!:


Brouver Hoog is approaching his 400th birthday, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that over all these centuries, he’s acquired a few quirks. For example, he’s absolutely obsessed with traditions — everything needs to be done in accordance with the old dwarven customs, no matter how outdated or just plain weird they seem. He’s also very suspicious — and even verging on paranoid. He really doesn’t like outsiders and has nothing but disdain for dwarves who adopt foreign fashions.

All this would be just quaint — if not for the fact that Brouver is Mahakam’s Elder and his quirks have a nasty habit of being turned into laws. Brouver changes his mind about as often as he shaves and many give up trying to persuade him to go with the times — leave the safety of Mahakam’s underground cities and settle among humans. The life in Mahakam is thus increasingly frustrating, especially for the young, ambitious dwarves.

Despite that, Brouver isn’t a bad ruler nor a bad man. He may have his obsessions, but he’s still a seasoned, experienced politician, who over the past two centuries has helped Mahakam survive — and thrive! — in very difficult times. His conservative, careful politics prevented the Mahakam dwarves from waging doomed wars against humans and turned their underground realm into an economic powerhouse.

So, don’t dismiss Brouver as senile — or he will prove you wrong with his trusty battle axe.'

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