Funny/troll moments

Funny/troll moments

Even though trolling is not a good thing to do, man it feels so good when the opponent ragequits xD

Feel free to share your funny/troll moments.
On a small handful of occasions, I've used three Griffins to steal all three Princess of Freya cards from Skellige players. Used Caretaker to steal their Sigrdrifa cards after that, allowing me to use their resurrection strategy against them (meaning I summon a full combo along the lines of Caretaker -> Sigrdrifa -> Freya -> Freya -> Freya -> best bronze card in my graveyard).

On the occasions where I've been able to do that or something close to it, an instant forfeit is pretty much a guarantee.

Swiping other great cards (such as all of a Scoia'tael player's Hawker Supports) is fun too, but instant forfeits aren't a guarantee like they are with the above.
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