Future of graffitis in the world of Cyberpunk 2077: How should they be?

My only other thoughts on "future graf" would be similar to the poster graf you see today.

I'm imaging a porous, slightly tacky membrane or film, that you can put your work on. After you finish your piece, you'd roll it up, go to your location of choice, then unroll your work, sticking it on whatever surface you want.

You'd then hit it with an aerosol reactant that would "set" the film, making it as hard as resin.

Again, for stencils, slap-tagging, or poster graf, there could be an in-game mechanic, where you either work on a piece beforehand, by hand, or feeding in an image file. You'd then have this file that you could repeat on different surfaces, using the aforementioned delivery methods.

From a coding standpoint: are there many games out there that you can think of, that have persistent player placed objects? I think (?) Crackdown had that mechanic in it; didn't clock too much time on the game, so I can't verify that.

Point being, if there were a player controlled graf mechanic, I'd imagine most people would want to see their piece, if they left that part of town and came back.
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