Game Improvement / Content: Random crime events and Cyberpsychos hunt

In Cyberpunk 2077 there are many blue icons with crime reports or cyber psychos that can be worked through one after the other. But the whole thing is kept very static and is just content that has to be processed, it is just not alive. It reminds me of what many players understand by the "Ubisoft formula" and for me it is more work than fun. But when you have done all of these "crimes in charge" events, there is nothing to do for a mercenary in Night City.

In my opinion there should be much more random events, like in the "Random Encounter" mod for the Witcher 3. It would be pretty cool if you could hunt cyber psychos all over town over and over again in different places. It would have so much benefits for the game.
- you could make use of the night city scenery and make the city more than just a scenery, because it is way less static and would give directly give a feeling of a living city
- On the one hand, it would be a kind of endgame content and on the other hand, V had a way to earn money in a very immersive way. I mean honestly, the only way to earn money in CP2077 was to disassemble cans into crafting components and sell them. V is a mercenary, not a futuristic can recycler...

What do you guys think about that idea?
I do like the idea that crimes should be more of a dynamic "pop in"

Random encounters would be more welcome just generally.
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