Game length

I heard a lot of people say that the main questline of the game will only be around 30 hours. For an RPG game, that's pretty short. The Witcher 3's questline was way longer last time I remembered.

I know I should take this with a grain of salt, but I really hope this isn't true. Is there some sort of confirmation (from interviews, etc) that hint on how long the game might be?


Forum veteran
I heard a lot of people say that the main questline of the game will only be around 30 hours. For an RPG game, that's pretty short. The Witcher 3's questline was way longer last time I remembered.

I know I should take this with a grain of salt, but I really hope this isn't true. Is there some sort of confirmation (from interviews, etc) that hint on how long the game might be?
Heard it was more about 40-50. If you just focus the main quest, it will probably seem short. There are supposedly like 80+ sidequests to do, not to mention all the other fun things you can try like the bounty hunter missions and whatnot. If there are minigames, like pool tables, I'll probably do that quite a bit.
I expect it to be around 40h.

The whole game should be longer than witcher 3.
Someone on reddit a few months ago posted an interview in which a devs said the map is bigger than witcher 3 with approximately double the side content or something. Pawel Sasko also said that with the main quest being shorter than witcher 3 , the team had more time to create plenty of diverse side quests.
As long as the main story is good, and doesn't drag on and on and on and on and on and on, I'll be okay. But if we're all putting numbers on it, I'll guess around the 50h mark, depending on what class you choose (it'll probably take longer if you have to sneak around everywhere!)
I expect it to be around 40h.

The whole game should be longer than witcher 3.
Someone on reddit a few months ago posted an interview in which a devs said the map is bigger than witcher 3 with approximately double the side content or something. Pawel Sasko also said that with the main quest being shorter than witcher 3 , the team had more time to create plenty of diverse side quests.

werent they last heard saying that the map isn’t as big as the Witcher 3 but denser? Or was it just the city itself?
I'm intentionally going to try to do a very small amount of introductory missions, and then I'm going to try to immerse myself in the game world and ignore missions for as long as I can, and just try to mess around and have fun and explore, then maybe I will do one more main mission, and then do a bunch of appropriate side missions, and then take another break and explore the world a bunch more, and do more fun things and then eventually do another main mission, and then a bunch more side missions. I'm going to pretend my V is a real person, and treat the whole thing like V is just chilling out and taking their sweet time just enjoying life and doing whatever they feel like. Exploration, Training, Exercise, Food, Driving around, all kinds of stuff. I'm thinking maybe I will really try to sprinkle the missions about, and spread them out as much as possible, unless they really catch my interest a lot, and I feel like just doing one after the other after the other.

In W3 I personally felt that the main missions gave me lots of inconsistent feelings, and I keep feeling different opinions about them, almost changing my mind a bit every time I think back to them, but also consistent in other ways. It's difficult to say. I mean, the main W3 missions felt very long, very drawn out, but also very quiet, very boring and empty for me. Depressing even, I don't know. There were very cool moments, but also a huge amount of the time I found myself wishing I wasn't doing what the game was making me do. It felt like a big trek through mud because I guess maybe I wasn't really enjoying it as much as I had thought I was. With that being said, I felt W3's main story missions were surprisingly short. When I got to the end of the main missions, I was like..... What...? WHAT? really?

I don't mind at all if Cyberpunk2077 feels very long, as long as it doesn't stop being fun. The missions can be very long too, but I don't like it when things get slow and quiet, not to say I don't appreciate being sneaky or other stuff, but W3 had this very slow and quiet and depressing feel to it that I remember more and more when I think back. It just felt dark and quiet and slow and empty and depressing. I'm not really sure how to describe it better.

I know cyber PUNK will have some "depressing" mixed in, but maybe not in a bad way. hopefully. I don't mind if I have to slowly sneak quietly through a dark and depressing air vent and hack some bad guys computer in cyberpunk2077, that's totally cool, but I always want things to be exciting you know? Maybe W3 didn't have the right music and lighting to keep it exciting. That's it! I mean, like, atmospherically, W3 made me feel not good. Cyberpunk2077 looks like they nailed the atmosphere perfectly, so maybe it will never be an issue.

I do worry, if they say cyberpunk2077 main missions are less overall time and shorter than W3, and if I felt W3 was short in terms of main missions, then cyberpunk might feel extremely short to me, but then some people say there will be many more side missions, character romances, etc. in that case, I don't necessarily need tons of missions ( although tons of missions is good if they can have QUALITY, and still quantity somehow, if they manage that cool, but quality is always better and CDPR are really good, and they know their stuff, and they know quality) if I can get immersed into the world of cyberpunk and have lots of fun just interacting with everyone and everything.
main questline of the game will only be around 30 hours. For an RPG game, that's pretty short. The Witcher 3's questline was way longer last time I remembered.
Main quest line in W3 could be finished in around 20 hours. And thats just because you had to level up for next story missions. So they forced you to play some side missions this way.If you played only story and only side quests for some XP you needed, you would be around that 20 hour mark.
Dont do it, because you wont enjoy it, but if you just go and play W3 story only you would be surprised how short it can be :)
But that apply to any open world game tbh.

But than you add exploring, side quests, any other missions like contracts, treasure hunting and question marks and you are on 50+++ hours
For many people 100+ just for one playthrough.

So if story is around 30 hours in CB77 its better start then W3 had. I doubt it will be shorter then W3. They are aiming for many different playtroughs, choices etc.
They also said there are main quests, a lot of side quests and than the street quests (70+) which some are quick and some are longer. I wouldnt be surprise with some random events (like RDR2) etc

Guys dont worry about game lenght, map size etc. It will be plenty big and long. (that what she...)
I'm the type to just go on and do whatever, I'll drive around for awhile and probably do side activities like racing. Also explore a lot and see if there is any cool other side things to do that's not really mentioned (sort of like GTA and the whole solving a murder). So I feel confident that the game time, for me, will be stretched out. I've never really played a game to just keep doing the main mission, also not sure if 30+ hrs is short? I never pay attention to these things...
According to dev (for example - Paweł Sasko in interview with the main story will be indeed shorter than W3. Apparently the feedback form W# was that it was too long. However they have focused more on side stories instead so content wise it should be somewhat on par with W3
This is a role playing game and I will be role playing during and in between story missions.
Time flies and before you know it you won’t worry about how quickly you finish them game. Take your time. Take in the sights
I'm confident about the game length, and considering (like TW3) that it's not really the kinda game made for "binge playing" (I recall that several journos complained about the repetitiveness of the missions... but at my playthrough I took my time and never felt like it was a problem. Each day was a new story to enjoy).
If CP77 has a similar mission design as TW3, there's gonna be many dialogues and exposition + lore bits + exploration + lots of points of interests everywhere, secrets, and so on... oh and the top of the cake would be to play sports and recreational activities (bar games, etc, you name them).
I'm confident about the game length, and considering (like TW3) that it's not really the kinda game made for "binge playing" (I recall that several journos complained about the repetitiveness of the missions... but at my playthrough I took my time and never felt like it was a problem. Each day was a new story to enjoy).
If CP77 has a similar mission design as TW3, there's gonna be many dialogues and exposition + lore bits + exploration + lots of points of interests everywhere, secrets, and so on... oh and the top of the cake would be to play sports and recreational activities (bar games, etc, you name them).
I have to agree, I felt like the W3 was very repetitive, even when doing different things, all those things felt very much the same. I do feel that Cyberpunk2077 is going to be much better in many ways though, I hope that feeling is right.
I have to agree, I felt like the W3 was very repetitive, even when doing different things, all those things felt very much the same. I do feel that Cyberpunk2077 is going to be much better in many ways though, I hope that feeling is right.

Yes in my longest daily runs I could feel the repetitiveness, too. Especially when I had just too many fights, or (but that's my fault) looting every corner of the map in fear of missing important items.
Yes in my longest daily runs I could feel the repetitiveness, too. Especially when I had just too many fights, or (but that's my fault) looting every corner of the map in fear of missing important items.
having to swim deep down to get those underwater chests.... oh. my. sweet. absolute. coconuts. what. the. flippedy-doo-dah, zippety zay! my oh my. what a horrible day. W3 gave me therapist visits.
8,5 km north to south.

Seriously tho, I'd expect around ~50-60 hours. Wild Hunt was around ~100 hours, but they are going for a more complex set of quests now, so I'd expect about half of Wild Hunt.
50hours at best.
They plan on replaybility, and honnestly, only a few people are willing to put 100hours again once they finished the game.

Needs to be long enought to be pleasing, and shot enought to make you want to try it again.
There's literally no accurate way to measure a non-linear game's length. People will find a way to finish the game under 10 to 20 hours. Some will rush through the story missions only, and some will spend 3 thousand hours in the game having never finished the game once.
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