[GENERAL] Swallow?

More than 20 Beast Liver from wolves on 2 visits in the swamp 8) Yes, Rebis & Rubedo is much in demand as well. You can also find plenty of it in Greenmould (watch the walls in sewers) and a mineral which I don't remember now and the wiki is down right now.
Albedo Hydragenum is the ingredient in shortest supply for me. It's in Ectoplasm and Wolf's Aloe, neither of which I can find in quantity.
TheLoneBader said:
Albedo Hydragenum is the ingredient in shortest supply for me. It's in Ectoplasm and Wolf's Aloe, neither of which I can find in quantity.
A lot of houses have potted plants of Wolf's Aloe in them, so go into houses and pick to your heart's content.
Mistletoe is Hydragenum Nigredo - same as Ornithosaur's Eyes.I am a potion addict. Before the end of the game you can count on Geralt's (stored) inventory containing a complete stack of each combination of potion. Usually by the end of Act IV I have all the potions done in storage ready for the next Acts (stock up start of each following act). Of course the majority of them are never used and go to waste, but I am an absolute perfectionist. It usually results in me learning most recipes off by heart - definately the ingredient compositions...
I know what you mean cos I tend to become an alchemy brewing addict as well ;D Everytime I favour myself with a TW session a spend more time on collecting ingredients and preparing potions (oils and bombs too) than I intend to proceed in the game story.But I don't store all possible potions that are available in the game. Just a balanced selection of potions / oils which cover life, protection and offensive actions tuned on Albedo, Nigredo and Rubedo bases.
Its funny because each time I start a fresh game I pretty much say to myself "Just make enough potions to finish the game" and still I can't help but make them all by the end. This obsession goes all the way back to "Quest for Glory" and its potions (especially with the character savegames that span multiple games)..By Act I, I usually have all the recipes ready in the glossary for the rest of the game.I can't help it. Perhaps I have earned the title "Witcher Alchemist" lol.
I wish there was a way to save custom recipes, so I could make potions according to my own recipe with a single click.Funniest recipe: Ladies anointing themselves with a mixture of ghoul blood, drowner brain and abomination lymph.
TheLoneBader said:
Funniest recipe: Ladies anointing themselves with a mixture of ghoul blood, drowner brain and abomination lymph.
What's that, perfume? I deliberately used three types of flowers for that. :)
What does that do? Sounds like high toxication ;DEven if you can't save your own recipes you can immortalise them here http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/AngleWyrm%27s_Recipes_for_Witchers
oh.. with my mod, sometimes i have to use 10 or more potions during boss fights. swallow, tawny, willow, thats standard 3 but hey, its a boss fight and boss is seriously kicking my bottom so quen, white honey, 2 raffard's, white honey again and swallow, tawny, willow again ;D. yeah, now whoz da addict? :p first time i really want that potion tolerance gold talent. getting above 50 toxicity seriously cripples geralt and that 4th potion at the same time would really come in handy
PetraSilie said:
Don't drink too many Swallow potions at once to keep your toxication level low :eek:You are new to the game and your Geralt is always broke? Take a look at http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/Guide_for_illiterate_witchers, Swallow is included ;)
I have a question about this guide. Does it show what you can get in the various chapters or what you need to get through it, or both? I have a problem finding ingredients for swallow potions (The swallows flew away from the game! :p) Had to play through most of chapter II without a single swallow potion! ...and now I'm in chapter III and can't seem to find any here either. :(
Chapter2 - my advice - don't fight the monsters on the swamps. Run away. For swallow - problem is mainly lack of Rebis - try killing Drownies. You can try also merchants in Wyzima and druids.
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