[GENERAL] Witcher swords - discussion & questions

you can definitely make as many meteorite swords as you want and sell them, or keep them. The only caveat may be that you should not have the existing meteorite sword with you when you have another one made ... but i think that is the only issue :)
I tried both ways I could think of--- storing the one I had at the inn and getting a new one forged, and just selling the one I had, then coming back into the dialog to forge a new one. I couldn't find anyone who wanted to buy the old armor, but it did register as an item that could be sold if I'd been able to find someone.
Did anyone try the fences hangout in Old Vizima? I think they buy all stuff ;D though you merely find them at the beginning of act 5. On the other hand... when Geralt finally arrives in act 5 he isn't short of money anymore and actually doesn't need the money :hmmm:
It may take a while for me to test that- still working on chapter 3- but thanks for the suggestion. :beer:
I've never been able to sell armour anywhere ... pretty sure I tried.Speaking of packrat though .. in one of my games, I tried to collect as many different weapons as I could, including as many different types of meteorite sword as I could forge.I got to wondering how the inn could hold all that junk!
armor ? I've had many reports that you can sell the Excellent Leather Jacket ... but certainly no one will buy the studded leather jacket, nor Raven's armormy guess would be that you can only sell the Excellent Leather jacket in Act V and obviously it would have to be done before you get Raven's armor. So you have to get from wherever you sell the jacket to wherever you are having raven's armor made without any armor, which *might* prove tricky :)
Eek, yes. I had a small heebie-jeebie fit walking from the inn to the blacksmith's in the Temple quarter, during daylight, in just a shirt (and two swords, and pants, and boots, of course) ! ;D
Is the one that you can buy form the blacksmith's son in Act IV for 3k or is it the one you get from remove curse from Adda, or at last the Dentist Reward?What do you think?
The Dentist's reward is the best for me, hands down (also obtainable from two other sources/quests). You just can't beat the massive damage bonus + armor penetration. However, if you want more finesse and slightly longer combat, D'yaebl is the way to go.
The sword from the Blacksmith's son in Act IV is better than D'yaebl.But why not have two? Keep your second favourite sword in the secondary large weapon slot on geralt's belt. Even if you don't use it regularly, it still looks good! 8)
It's just that now I no longer have access to inventory and I already have the blacksmith's son sword :wall: So it's like a two twin hot sister, I can only choose one more.
If 'reforging' actually equals getting a brand new sword, does that mean the effects of the sharpening stones and such are lost when a sword is reforged?
the terminology and the "action" are a bit confusing in the game. You don't need a sword to have one "reforged", just the components (ore or runes) ... that's where most people get confused from what i have seen
Planewalker said:
The Dentist's reward is the best for me, hands down (also obtainable from two other sources/quests). You just can't beat the massive damage bonus + armor penetration. However, if you want more finesse and slightly longer combat, D'yaebl is the way to go.
Definitely the best steel sword in the game. Even makes mince meat of lower level monsters pretty quick. The silver sword you get from the lady of the lake is the best silver of course.
ok if i get a sword that can be used with witcher combat styles and it says damage -10% and nothing else. does that mean its damage you take -10%? because if its damage given -10% it would be pretty useless. thanks
It does indeed mean it deals 10 % less damage. Even though there are better swords readily available, it does not mean it is entirely useless, as investing points in fighting styles add their own damage modifiers.
The damage % modification is a modification of the damage for the Witcher style you're using.So for example, if the witcher style you're doing says that you do 10-20 damage, and you use a sword that is + 10%, then you'll do 11-22 damage instead.
I have tried 2 blacksmiths and evertime I want to upgrade my silver sword with a couple of ruins (spelling?), but all I get is a upgrade for the steel sword. Am I doing something wrong or do I have to be at a certain level to upgrade the silver sword?
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