Getting 100 percent worst rng for streaks

I'm not talking about some bad draws. I'm talking about the absolute WORST POSSIBLE draws in EXACT order for 10 games in a row.

ProjektRed your 'balance' AI has run off the rails.
I'm not talking about some bad draws. I'm talking about the absolute WORST POSSIBLE draws in EXACT order for 10 games in a row.

ProjektRed your 'balance' AI has run off the rails.

I feel your pain. But maybe it's a problem with your deck? I don't think that I often get cards which I don't want to play in the first round. And having cards which can bring out your best cards can be handy. If that happened, then the worst luck would be someone playing a Nil deck, both their Viper Witchers banishing your two best cards and then having cards which also screw you. That's happened to me.
I have 4 sub-par cards in the entire deck.
I draw each of those cards TWICE during the rounds. 10 games IN A ROW.

That's not RNG. That's ProjektRed gaming the system to give people winning/losing streaks. TONS of psychology shows that this helps to create an addiction.
I have 4 sub-par cards in the entire deck.
I draw each of those cards TWICE during the rounds. 10 games IN A ROW.

That's not RNG. That's ProjektRed gaming the system to give people winning/losing streaks. TONS of psychology shows that this helps to create an addiction.

How long have you playing GWENT for? If you're new, you might have a different idea of what "sub-par cards" means but I've also noticed newies maybe making pro rank without having gained many new cards at all, which makes you wonder. It's good in one way.

Maybe someone good at maths can do the stats here. You play a maximum of 16 cards in ordinary circumstances over three rounds. That's almost a 2 in 3 chance of picking up any card in your deck. I'm also sure that in any gambling game, e.g. two-up, you could runs like you've experienced, e.g. two heads or two tails in 10 consecutive losses.

I do agree that CDPR do use gambling industry methods in order to try and get you addicted. I've posted on that here in the past but that's more to do with their rewards system. I do wonder though if they have a bad matchup system. I've complained about that in the past here too.

If I was to write a blurb for GWENT, it would be "At least it's not as bad as MTG". Be grateful for small mercies. That gets discussed in this thread:

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I'll just add in my post below, where I linked to someone else's post which I think illustrates well the gambling industry techniques to get people to keep playing a game.

Well i was thinking to make a topic like this.

Usually i prefer to play in Blue coin, and i am having some strange RNG wich gives me always The Red coin.

For example, a few days ago i made a draft run and got in all The 7 games The Red coin. It was a syndicate deck and i needed The Tiger eye to things works better.

2 days ago i counted 10 games in a row getting The Red coin.

I dunno, but I think If i "toss a coin (to your witcher)" 10 times its almost impossible to have The same face.

Reading this topic about The "pairs". Yesterday i ve played 3 games wich The first 10 cards give me The 2 thinning pairs of my deck.

For my luck i was playing Tactical Decision and was abre to put them off.
After the 10 games in a row with almost the worst possible draws, the magic fairies gave me 13 games IN A ROW where I got the absolute best possible draws. Not only that, I could tell the opponent was drawing crap.
Went from from rank 3 to Pro. Same deck.

Now the games back to stacking up Portal, Sage, Land of 1000 AND Marching Orders as the last 4 of 5 cards of my deck. ANY ONE of those cards would let me play Portal. It's now happened twice in 4 games...
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2 days ago i counted 10 games in a row getting The Red coin.

I'm trying to remember the deal with MTG, maybe in single player mode, where there was a coin toss and it could perhaps spawn some units or something. The AI always got a good toss and I NEVER had the effect. Seemed rigged.
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