Glitch or Maybe an Exploit?

I just encountered the strangest thing. Right as I was playing my last card in Round 3, winning me the match, it said the opponent's connection was lost and was attempting to reestablish. Admittedly this isn't that uncommon given the number of mobile players who decide to close the app because they're fed up with losing. The strange part came next. Once the match was forcibly ended, I started seeing a bunch of errors, and I was the one given the loss, not my opponent. I even double checked, and my internet never went out. If ever there was I time that I wish I had a recording of the match, this would be it. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this just another one CDPR's countless glitches, or has someone figured out how to game the system?

Edit: I also didn't receive any quest progress, either for playing cards or for finishing a match, and this was still true after I restarted Gwent.
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