Gremist weather card swap

Gremist weather card swap

Gremist is a skellige card with a base power of 3. When deployed it spawns impenetrable fog, bloodcurdling roar, or clear skies. Gremist is the only skellige card that spawns a weather card. I think that they should change it to where Gremist can spawn skellige storm instead of impenetrable fog. As the only skellige card that spawns a weather card, why shouldn't Gremist spawn the weather card that is dedicated to skellige. I realize that skellige storm is a stronger card than impenetrable fog, so in exchange for swapping them out, maybe they can reduce Gremist's base power to 2 or 1. I don't really know if this would be a good idea or not, but I definitely think it would be a cool idea. Please comment and let me know what you think.
Skellige Storm is a silver card, so basically it would be like having 7 silver slots and making Gremist much more powerful than all the other factions mages - also reduced strength would still be less than what you get from the storm.
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