Grenades need some love


I think that grenades are a little bit weak overall, with no perk to really improve them. Right now, I only use grenades for fun, not as a viable playstyle. Even enemy grenades are never a threat because they just don't hit me.

Here are several issues that I have with current grenades:
- Radius is too small. They miss too much, including enemy grenades. You could eventually add several radiuses with reduced damage. For example, double the radius but deal only 50% if target is on the outer part of the radius.
- No damage through cover. It doesn't seem that grenades can deal any damage through any type of cover. It would be cool if they dealt like 50% damage through cover.

These are the 2 main issues. I think that you could also add / improve perks related to grenades in order to make them very strong. A little bit like in Witcher 3 you could make a bomb build. There is room for improving grenade perks in the Tech tree.
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