Grey screen with Im / Export of textures, and other things..

Grey screen with Im / Export of textures, and other things..


I wanted to use this Kit in addition to insert available and new objects into the play.

Indeed, this will not probably go.

Grey Screen with the export of textures.

Grey Screen with import of textures.

Update of the Thumbnails: Grey Screen

Export assets: Grey Screen

Grey Screen = new start REDkit

Import from in 3ds max. provided (constructed) objects = being able to do do not find relevant xbm's

how one should provide(construct) xbm's, without relevant "bin's".

how to construct "bin's".

Editing for imported objects in the Asset browser = crash

Tag- support for weapontextures is missing

Edit for imported objects in the Asset browser = crash

It can be added only one Shader, Two would be normal (metal and leather). Button is grey

Missing support for export Meshes into 3Ds Max.

Missing informations for X, Y, Z co-ordinates of objects.

Many Invisible Meshes for Entitys of Characters and Objects

Wrong calculated representation of Thumbnailsize: import 512x256, is indicated (signalised): 512x512

Sorry, but the tool I cannot use thus. REDkit is something incomplete.....

And sorry for bad English.

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